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2023 Meeting Materials

2023 Meeting Materials

Below are meeting materials for Board of Education meetings, including Agenda, BoardBook, and Minutes.

Agendas for Committee of the Board and Regular Meetings will be posted online on Thursday or Friday of the week before the meeting.


The agenda will include a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting.


A BoardBook for each meeting will contain all the necessary documents and details for agenda items within the meeting.  An agenda can be found at the beginning of the Book, followed by the minutes of previous meetings, and supplemental documents for each agenda item.


Minutes are the written record of a Board of Education or Committee of the Board meeting. They describe the events of the meeting and may include a list of attendees, a statement of the issues considered by the participants, and related responses or decisions for the issues.  The purpose of meeting minutes is to firstly record action points, including what actions have been decided upon and voting results.  Secondly, they record summaries of presentations and discussions held at the meeting.


Meeting agendas, BoardBooks, and minutes of previous years can be found in the Meeting Material Archives.  
