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2015 Board Book Archive

BOE & COB Board Books

NOTE:  To access a particular document, simply click on the relevant year to expand the listing for that year.  Click again to contract the listing.

2015 - Board Books

1/5/15 - BOE Annual Meeting

010615_Annual Mtg.pdf 120.98 KB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

1/20/15 - BOE

012015.pdf 9.22 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016)

1/27/15 - BOE (Special)

012715 Special.pdf 179.30 KB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

2/17/15 - BOE

021715.pdf 5.28 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

3/17/15 - BOE

031715.pdf 6.30 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016)

4/21/15 - BOE

042115.pdf 9.49 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

5/19/15 - BOE

051915.pdf 2.72 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

6/9/15 - BOE (Special)

060915 Special.pdf 198.36 KB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

6/23/15 - BOE

062315.pdf 15.25 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

7/21/15 - BOE

072115.pdf 4.02 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

8/18/15 - BOE

081815.pdf 6.55 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

9/22/15 - BOE

092215.pdf 3.13 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

10/20/15 - BOE

102015.pdf 3.35 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016)

11/10/15 - BOE (Special)

111015 Special.pdf 55.35 KB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016)

11/17/15 - BOE

111715.pdf 4.31 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

12/11/15 - BOE (Special - Levy Hearing)

120115 Special Levy Hear.pdf 179.76 KB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

12/15/15 - BOE

121515.pdf 7.32 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

COB - 1/13/15

COB 011315.pdf 4.07 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

COB - 2/10/15

COB 021015.pdf 2.87 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

COB - 3/3/15

COB 030315.pdf 4.48 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

COB - 4/7/15

COB 040715.pdf 3.67 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016)

COB - 5/5/15

COB 050515.pdf 12.86 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

COB - 5/26/15

COB 052615.pdf 81.79 KB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

COB - 6/9/15

COB 060915.pdf 1.35 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

COB - 7/21/15

COB 072115.pdf 1.01 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

COB - 9/8/15

COB 090815.pdf 2.50 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

COB - 10/6/15

COB 100615.pdf 6.68 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

COB - 11/10/15

COB 111015.pdf 1.43 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016) 

COB - 12/1/15

COB 120115.pdf 2.96 MB (Last Modified on August 16, 2016)