2016 Meeting MInutes Archive
COB -- 12/6/16
COB 120616.pdf 61.50 KB (Last Modified on January 19, 2017)
COB - 11/14/16
COB 111416 Final.pdf 120.98 KB (Last Modified on December 6, 2016)
COB 11/1/16
COB 110116.pdf 126.03 KB (Last Modified on December 6, 2016)
COB - 10/4/16
COB 100416.pdf 143.50 KB (Last Modified on October 10, 2016)
COB - 9/29/16
COB 092916.pdf 44.80 KB (Last Modified on October 10, 2016)
COB 9/13/16
COB 091316.pdf 110.34 KB (Last Modified on September 15, 2016)
COB 7/26/16 - SEAB Update
PPT_SEAB Update COB 7-26-16v2.pdf 107.14 KB (Last Modified on August 3, 2016)
COB 7/26/16 - SRO Presentation
PPT_SRO Presentation to the COB FINAL7.26.16.pdf 415.76 KB (Last Modified on August 3, 2016)
COB 7/26/16 - FMP Engagement Presentation
PPT_2016-0726_COB_FMP Engagement.pdf 685.79 KB (Last Modified on August 3, 2016)
COB 7/26/16
COB 072616.pdf 54.04 KB (Last Modified on August 3, 2016)
COB 1/5/16 -- School Climate Presentation
ppt_school_climate.pdf 1.04 MB (Last Modified on July 1, 2016)
COB 6/14/16 -- Policy Update Presentation
ppt_policy_update.pdf 62.05 KB (Last Modified on July 1, 2016)
COB 2/9/16 -- Policy Update
ppt_policy_update_2-9-16.pdf 96.86 KB (Last Modified on July 1, 2016)
COB 5/3/16 -- Legislative Update Presentation
ppt_legislative_update_5-3-16.pdf 123.98 KB (Last Modified on July 1, 2016)
COB 6/14/16 -- LCD Annual Report Presentation
ppt_lcd_annual_report_2015-16_ppt.pdf 1.38 MB (Last Modified on July 1, 2016)
COB 3/8/16 -- FY 17 Budget Rollout Plan
ppt_fy17_gf_budget_rollout_plan_cob_030816.pdf 223.24 KB (Last Modified on July 1, 2016)
COB 5/3/16 -- BudgetPresentation
ppt_fy17_budget_update_cob_050316_final.pdf 380.12 KB (Last Modified on July 1, 2016)
COB 4/12/16 -- FY 17 Budget Update Presentation
ppt_fy17_budget_update_cob_041216_final.pdf 405.53 KB (Last Modified on July 1, 2016)
COB 2/9/16 -- First Budget Revision FY 16
ppt_fy16_1st_budget_revision_final_ms.pdf 179.14 KB (Last Modified on July 1, 2016)
COB 4/12/16 -- FMP 5 Year Plan Presentation
ppt_fmp_5-year-plan_cob-april_12_2016.pdf 1.65 MB (Last Modified on July 1, 2016)
COB 2/9/16 -- Quarterly Financial Report as of 12/31/15
ppt_december_2015_quarterly_report.pdf 419.09 KB (Last Modified on July 1, 2016)
COB 3/8/16 -- Middle School & Jie Ming Update Presentation
ppt_cob_middle_school_jie_ming.pdf 1.31 MB (Last Modified on July 1, 2016)
COB 6/14/16 -- Budget Presentation
ppt_cob_budget_presentationfinal.pdf 261.57 KB (Last Modified on July 1, 2016)
COB 5/3/16 -- SEAB Presentation
ppt_-_seab_presentation.pdf 124.86 KB (Last Modified on July 1, 2016)
COB 5/3/16 -- Legislative Update Presentation
legislative_update.pdf 145.06 KB (Last Modified on July 1, 2016)