Public Comment
Registration for Public Comment via the Online Public Comment Form is accepted until 3 p.m. on the day of the Public Comment meeting. After 3 p.m., please sign-up in-person on the sign-in sheet located outside the Board Room to speak at Public Comment.
Sign-up will close at 5:30 p.m. Thank you for your engagement with the Board of Education.
If signed up prior to the meeting, please check in at the table prior to Public Comment.
Public Comment Process
Timing and Location
Public Comment will be an agenda item within the Regular Meeting, and will follow Recognitions. Regular Meetings will begin at 5:30 p.m. The time period for Public Comment will be a maximum of 45 minutes. Other Board business will begin promptly following Public Comment.
Speakers are asked to sign-up and arrive by 5:30 p.m.
Public Comment and Board of Education Meetings are located at 360 Colborne Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102.
Individuals can sign-in in advance by e-mailing or calling the Board Secretary ( / 651-767-8149) or by filling out the Public Comment form on the Board website. If they do not sign-in in advance, they will be allowed to do so at the meeting but sign-in will end at 5:30 p.m. when the Public Comment session begins. Individuals should indicate their name, address, phone number or e-mail and the subject they are addressing noting if it is related to an agenda specific area (items being addressed on that meeting’s formal agenda) or a non-agenda related topic. Individuals are asked complete a "Sign-In Sheet" in order to provide a more complete record of their concern/issue for the benefit of administration or to provide a written copy of their comments which can be provided to Board members and administration.
If an interpreter is needed at any Public Comment and/or Board Meeting (Spanish, Hmong, Somali, Karen, American Sign Language) please contact Sarah Dahlke, Secretary to the Board of Education, at or 651-767-8149 at least 2 WEEKS IN ADVANCE.
Order of Speakers
The order of in which speakers will be called is as follows: students, speakers speaking to an agenda related item, then others in the order of names received, with preference given to those who have not spoken in the past three months. The time allotment may be reduced from three minutes in order to allow as many speakers as possible to offer their comments within the 30 minutes allocated.
Speaking Time
Personal Information
Please DO NOT include names of Saint Paul Public School employees, titles or location names in your remarks for your own legal protection and the legal rights of staff. This includes identifiers such as school name, grade or job title that would identify the individual publicly. Issues related to school district employees should be made in writing and may identify employees by name, title, location, etc. and should be addressed to the Human Resources Department.
In the spirit of fairness to all participants, the SPPS Board requests that individuals respect the above process. Thank you for sharing your concerns.
Sign-Up For Public Comment
Public Comment Speaker List by Year
JANUARY 21, 2025
Megan Jaunich Cell Phone Policy
Jonathan Oppenheimer Cell Phone PolicY
Stephanie Harris Cell Phone PolicY
Kira Appelhans Global Arts Plus - Upper
Jennifer Mulligan-Locket Global Arts Plus - Upper
Magdalene Welp Global Arts Plus - Upper
Mara Solis Advocating for Immigrant Families
Casey Ulrich Advocating for Immigrant Families
Cynthia Sarver Advocating for Immigrant Families
Eric Khounchaleun Txuj Ci
Kyle Mulligan-Locket Leadership
Mee Moua Txuj Ci
Ber Yang Txuj Ci
Ethan Yang Txuj Ci
NOVEMBER 19, 2024
- Marianne Milligan Return of 4 days of after school programming
- Abdirahaman Ali Educational Experiences for Black Youth
- Dashawn Robinson Educational Experiences for Black Youth
- Kananisa Abanesha Educational Experiences for Black Youth
- Terryce Jett-Lewis Educational Experiences for Black Youth
- Elijah Wagner Educational Experiences for Black Youth
- Ryan Alexander-Cohen Educational Experiences for Black Youth
- Lashay Matthews-Deloatch Educational Experiences for Black Youth
- Siariiya Goss Educational Experiences for Black Youth
- Miriam Rangel Request for Facility Assessment for Elementary and Middle School Capacity
- John Brodrick Thanks for work w/ UHC and HP
- Kaiti Shelton Benjamin E. Mays Afro-centric focus planning
OCTOBER 22, 2024
- Quentin Wathum-Ocama School Site Security on Election Day
- Alawna Shaw SPED/Behavioral Issues/Training
- Zone'a Grand Public Safety
SEPTEMBER 17, 2024
- Donovan Timmerman Washington Tech’s development since COVID
- Ariel Mendoza Scaife Our Children’s Safety
- Peter Hendricks Work study for high school
AUGUST 20, 2024
- Megan Jaunich Electronic devices usage in school
JULY 16, 2024
- Abdirahaman Ali Educational Experiences for Black Youth
- Dashawn Robinson Educational Experiences for Black Youth
- Kanansia Abanesha Educational Experiences for Black Youth
- Liban Yunis Educational Experiences for Black Youth
- Ryan Alexander Educational Experiences for Black Youth
- Suleiman Hassan Educational Experiences for Black Youth
- Terryce Jett-Lewis Educational Experiences for Black Youth
- Storm Jacobs Crossroad Calendar
- Tracine Asberry St. Paul Youth Services YouthPowerMN
- Leo Jackson Permit office regarding grounds crew time and need
- Annie Kuthart Crossroad Calendar
JUNE 18, 2024
- Willa Cienian Capitol Hill Music Programs
- Eliza Johnson Capitol Hill Music Program
Mohamed Mohamed Adams Spanish Immersion
Sarah Bober Elementary Librarians
Rochelle Pereira Proposed Budget and Music Programming
Peter Hendricks Central High School-Extracurricular Allocation for 2024-25
Michelle Wall Academic programming plans and budget for 2024-25
Earl Milton Split grade level classrooms at Adams Spanish Immersion
Aisha Williams Bullying
Jonah Grussing Capitol Hill Music Programs
Shana Dobie Institutional racism in SPPS
- Khulia Pringle School Climate
MAY 21, 2024
- Lily Wolfe Cutting orchestra at Capitol Hill
- Evelyn Heaton Cutting orchestra at Capitol Hill
- Amy Johnson Fiscal support for the arts in SPPS
- Exavier Kichler Saint Music at Saint Paul Music Academy
- Nina West Importance of Arts Education.
- Finley Torres Elementary Music Program Cuts
- Margot Torres Elementary School Music Program Cuts
- Milo Carlson Importance of Capitol Hill elementary string program
- Jeff Horwich Inequitable extracurricular funding
- Aiden Flinner-Davis Saint Music at Saint Paul Music Academy
- Naavi Noir The importance of arts in school budgets
- Megan Jaunich Issues with phones in school
- Stephanie Lein Walseth Capitol Hill Budget Cuts to Instrumental Music
- Hannah Riederer Music being cut out of Saint Paul Music Academy
- Lauren Dees-Erickson Support for the arts
- Leah VanDassor Enrollment
- Jessica Jordan Somali language and Oromo Language interpreters
- Rachel Torres Elementary School Music Program Cuts
- Cyrus Collier Budget cuts at Capitol Hill
- Giovanna Mandarano Elementary School Music Program Cuts
- Janelle Flinner Saint Music at Saint Paul Music Academy
- 22. Zakaria Jama Somali language and Oromo Language interpreters
- Juliana Walmeyer
- Madeline Walseth
- Stacey Alcenot Concerns about educator
- Tess Corbet Concerns about educator
APRIL 23, 2024
- Amy Cram Helwich and MNUDL Funding for Urban Debate League
- Stacey Alcenat Concern about teacher
- Michelle Wall Budget Allocations
- Jennifer Hartman Equity with facility fees
- St. Paul Football Club Importance of Program
MARCH 19, 2024
- Yao Buchl Ethnic Studies Budget Cuts
- Stacey Alcenat Concern about teacher
- Tess Corbett Concern about teacher
- Hiwot Zemikael Discrimination of the Black African Immigrants Parents and students
- Fidele Tchoffo Discrimination of the Black African Immigrants Parents and students
- Michelle Wall Strategic plan and budget
- Jenny Konkel Bargaining team tentative agreement
- Nicole Nolen To thank the board for their participation in the negotiations with SPFE
- Shanaz Padamsee Appreciation for school board during mediation
- Peter Hendricks FY25 Budget & Public Data Requests from January 2024
- Andre Creighton Youth programs and access to high schools to foster participation growth
- Ntxheb Chang Sustain Critical Ethnic Studies
- Dieunane Casimir Discrimination of the Black African Immigrants Parents and students
- Abiola Akeredolu Impartiality at LNFI
- Ibilola My dream for the school
- Leo Jackson Equity with youth inner city associations
- Jennifer Hartman Equity with facility fees
- Liam Heffren Ethnic Studies
- Kia Rademacher Ethnic Studies
- Kimberly Colbert Ethnic Studies
- MK Nguyen Ethnic Studies
FEBRUARY 20, 2024
- Stacey Alcenat Concern about teacher
- Tess Corbett Concern about teacher
- Michelle OBrien Concerns about GAP
- Leo Jackson Equitable pricing for community associations
- Jennifer Hartman Community associations and the definition of Uniqueness
- Lisa Zinnel Concerns re: Global Arts Plus
- Rachel Osborne SPPS Library Media Specialists
- Kirsten Anderson Access to Special Education and School-Parent Partnership
- Thomas Lucy SPPS and community partnerships
- Suki Akers Experiences at GAP
- Zoey Haines Achieve Twin Cities Career and College Readiness Program
- Phil Sheridan SPPS Library Media Specialists
- Leslie Rumsey-Rogers Concerns at GAP
- Rick Heller ADA Compliance
JANUARY 23, 2024
- Olive Mulligan-Locket Extra support for students and teachers at GAP
- Sara Nelson Issues at GAP
- Yia Thao Txuj Ci Lower
- Lisa Zinnel Concerns re: Global Arts Plus
- Kira Appelhans Communication and student safety at child’s school
- Thomas Lucy SPPS and Environmental Sustainability efforts
- Casey Ulrich Climate commitments
- Leah VanDassor SPFE mediation
- Sabrina Mauritz Support for SPFE bargaining and climate action
- William Hill Systemic Equity and Positive School/District culture
- Ber Yang Txuj Ci Lower
- Alli Kildahl Colleague support
- Mee Moua Txuj Ci and HPAC
- Steve Ormat Support for SPFE
- Claire Linesh Healthy communities and collective actions; support for SPFE
Date Received Name Subject
1/17/2023 Highland Park Lego League Solar project
1/17/2023 Adam Hanson Project Labor Agreements
2/21/2023 Angela Nguyen Harding solutions
2/21/2023 Valeria Barrios Sanchez School safety
2/21/2023 Latino Consent Decree Safety in Schools
2/21/2023 Debbie Montgomery School Safety/SROs
2/21/2023 Daryl Spence School safety
2/21/2023 Gita Ghei Violence in high schools
2/21/2023 Nasira Budal Safety Concerns
2/21/2023 Benjamin Wright School safety
2/21/2023 Khulia Pringle School safety
2/21/2023 Chris Baumhover Elementary safety
2/21/2023 John Thompson Safe schools for our children
2/21/2023 Julie
2/21/2023 Emma Wolters Status of SROs
2/21/2023 Miki Frost School safety
2/21/2023 Mercedes Yarbrough School safety
2/21/2023 Ali A. School safety
2/21/2023 NK Nguyen SROs
3/21/23 Katherine Edwards Districtwide Career Pathways Program
3/21/23 Charlotte Steen Holding Administration accountable, re: Devin Scott murder
3/21/23 Michelle Wall well-rounded ed + budget
3/21/23 Thomas Lucy solar on schools
3/21/23 Peter Hendricks Human Resource Transactions-Board of Education Board Book for March 21, 2023
3/21/23 Roxanne Draughn Incident of Racism at Farnsworth Upper Middle School
4/18/2023 Abbey Ogg Climate policies in schools
4/18/2023 Laura McClary Small scale climate-focused facility projects
4/18/2023 Suwiys Abdirahman Injustice at Central regarding the EA community
4/18/2023 Khulia Pringle Student Outcomes
4/18/2023 Pamela Marentette SOFG
4/18/2023 Roxanne Draughn SOFG
5/23/2023 Arson King Implementing carbon-efficient bus routes w/ app for bus drivers
5/23/2023 Eva Yang Leadership at Hmong Language/Culture Middle School
5/23/2023 Selena Vang Leadership at Hmong Language/Culture Middle School
5/23/2023 Lydia Pitts JJ Hill Montessori Budget Cuts
5/23/2023 Amanda Coleman JJ Hill Montessori Budget Cuts
5/23/2023 John Horton JJ Hill Montessori Budget Cuts
5/23/2023 Sue Vang Leadership at Hmong Language/Culture Middle School
5/23/2023 Vinc Her Leadership at Hmong Language/Culture Middle School
5/23/2023 Sally Bauer JJ Hill Montessori Budget Cuts
5/23/2023 ShaVunda Brown JJ Hill Montessori Budget Cuts
5/23/2023 Maria Golden Transition Leadership, Safety and Programming
5/23/2023 Alexis Bylander JJ Hill Montessori Budget Cuts
5/23/2023 Ayan Mohamad Support for East African Magnet
5/23/2023 Amina Abdullahi Support for East African Magnet
5/23/2023 Fowzia Mursal Support for East African Magnet
5/23/2023 Farhiya Mohamed Support for East African Magnet
5/23/2023 Mahmud Kanyare Support for East African Magnet
5/23/2023 Brenna Proczko JJ Hill Montessori Budget Cuts
5/23/2023 Jackie McNamara Solutions to the Problem
5/23/2023 Ubah Dhamukle Support for East African Magnet
5/23/2023 Therese O’Meara Leadership Concerns
5/23/2023 Nash Stone Special Education Services, Leadership Concerns
5/23/2023 Jeff Street JJ Hill Montessori Budget Cuts
5/23/2023 Allen and Benjamin Barnacle JJ Hill Montessori Budget Cuts
6/20/2023 Jenelle Hill Budget concerns
6/20/2023 Jacquelyn Propersi Budget cuts to school FY24
6/20/2023 Peter Hendricks FY24 Budget and Amendments to Sup’t Contract
6/20/2023 Pang Yang Envision
6/20/2023 Pao Thao PreK
6/20/2023 Lis Thao PreK move
6/20/2023 Julia Yang Phalen PreK
6/20/2023 Michelle Wall Transparency and accountability
6/20/2023 Thomas Lucy Review of SPPS climate work for the 22-23 SY
6/20/2023 David Kubes Overpayments
6/20/2023 Leo Jackson Permit/Facility Rates
6/20/2023 Christen Glass Permit/Facility Rates
6/20/2023 Greg Egan Budget concerns
7/18/2023 Peter Hendricks Athletics and Budget
7/18/2023 Leo Jackson Permit/Facility Rates
7/18/2023 Jenn Hartman Permit/Facility Rates
8/22/2023 Mick McGibbon St. Cloud Public Schools Resolution re: Charter Schools
9/19/2023 Leo Jackson Equitable pricing for athletic facilities
9/19/2023 Jennifer Hartman Importance of youth programs and partnership with SPPS
9/19/2023 Peter Hendricks Digital ticketing for athletic events
9/19/2023 William Hill Equal Opportunity – Policy 401
9/19/2023 Earl Miller Naming the Harding Auditorium in Honor of JoAnn Clark
9/19/2023 Melvin Miller Naming the Harding Auditorium in Honor of JoAnn Clark
10/24/2023 Leo Jackson Youth access to facilities
10/24/2023 Jennifer Hartman Youth engagement - Metro Youth services
10/24/2023 Olanda England Athletics
11/14/2023 Rashad Turner Parents as partners is an important part of closing education gaps.
12/19/2023 Chiashe Moua Hmong student experience at Harding
12/19/2023 Chea Lee Hmong student experience at Harding
12/19/2023 Sai Thao Experience of Hmong families
12/19/2023 Sia Xiong Parent experience at Harding
12/19/2023 Mee Moua HPAC
12/19/2023 Ber Yang Misleading information about Txuj Ci Lower
12/19/2023 Yia Thao PreK - Txuj Ci
12/19/2023 Shela Her Txuj Ci
12/19/2023 Mai Choo Yang Txuj Ci and PreK
12/19/2023 Jennifer Mulligan Locket Global Arts Plus safety concerns
12/19/2023 Sarah Nelson Global Arts Plus safety and lack of support for staff
Date Received Name Subject
1/18/2022 Yasmina Banat COVID-19
1/18/2022 Angela Nguyen SPPS COVID Concerns
1/18/2022 Jessica Sosa SPPS COVID Concerns
1/18/2022 Grace Philippon Lack of communication on COVID; transparency
1/18/2022 Kirstie Doar Mike Holleran Naming
1/18/2022 Shari Albrecht Keeping Schools Open
1/18/2022 Edward Reynoso Introduction
2/22/2022 Adam Hanson Project Labor Agreements
2/22/2022 Don Mullin Project Labor Agreements
2/22/2022 Travis Strozyk Project Labor Agreements
2/22/2022 Octavio Chung Bustamante Project Labor Agreements
2/22/2022 Chris Peltier Project Labor Agreements
2/22/2022 Joel Carlson Project Labor Agreements
2/22/2022 Peter Hendricks Gift from MSHSL
2/22/2022 Lesley Lavery School Start Time Change
2/22/2022 Peter Bognanni School Start Time Change
2/22/2022 Andrea Freidberg Potential Strike
2/22/2022 Sheigh Freeberg SPPS and SPFE Bargaining
2/22/2022 Marvin Smith Project Labor Agreements
2/22/2022 Julie Elliot Avoiding a Strike
2/22/2022 Matt Ryg Fair Contract
2/22/2022 Megan Dayton Teacher Contract
3/22/2022 Connor Lehner Masks
3/22/2022 Karissa Round Masks and Transgender Education
3/22/2022 Shari Albrecht Masks
3/22/2022 Mabel Albrecht Krech Masks
3/22/2022 Andrew Banker Masks
3/22/2022 Mark Lehner Masks
3/22/2022 Henry Clark Masks
3/22/2022 Tom Lucy Transportation in SPPS
3/22/2022 Mark Tracy Masks
3/22/2022 Vanessa Gamble Masks
4/19/2022 Connor Lehner Issues
4/19/2022 Charlotte Sivanich Personal Finance
4/19/2022 Harriet Miller Divestment in Fossil Fuels
4/19/2022 Leah VanDassor SPFE Contract
4/19/2022 Tom Lucy Investments
4/19/2022 Stephanie Anderson Envision SPPS
4/19/2022 Amanda Loge AP at Adams
4/19/2022 Gabrielle Glasco AP at Adams
5/24/2022 Raquel Nunez-Flores LEAP Transportation
5/24/2022 Janice LaFloe American Indian Teachers
5/24/2022 Anne Lowe LEAP Transportation
5/24/2022 James Bradford III Communication and Programming
5/24/2022 Amanda Short LNFI
5/24/2022 Regan Reinerth LNFI
5/24/2022 Donna Stein AIMS
5/24/2022 Hudson Kley LNFI
5/24/2022 Linda Jones LNFI
5/24/2022 Sandy Lucas LEAP Transportation
5/24/2022 Don Arnosti LEAP Transportation
5/24/2022 Tamara Goggle Eye Native American Staff
5/24/2022 Kat Landis CTE in Schools
6/21/2022 Michelle Wall Budget
6/21/2022 Amy Cooper School Start Times
7/19/2022 Thomas Lucy SPPS Investments
7/19/2022 Martin Hoerth Negotiations
7/19/2022 Joshua Loahr General
7/19/2022 Kristie Schmidt Medical Insurance
7/19/2022 Joan Pasiuk Electric School Buses
7/19/2022 Kirstie Doar Contracts
7/19/2022 Kera Peterson Contract Negotiations
7/19/2022 Sam Negotiations
7/19/2022 Lisa Bellanger Smudging
8/23/2022 Peter Hendricks HR Transactions
8/23 /2022 Julie Moeckly Negotiations
9/20/2022 Danielle Greene and Students Maxfield Student Envision
9/20/2022 James Farnsworth District leadership and board governance
9/20/2022 Joe Nathan Building or Reducing Community Support via District Reorganization
9/20/2022 Naomi Dahl Student Safety
9/20/2022 Dora Jones ARP Grant /RFP Mentoring Young Adults Community Partner
9/20/2022 Kirstie Doar Negotiations
9/20/2022 Maximo Gonzalez Negotiations
9/20/2022 Kandace Logan ARP Grant
9/20/2022 Patrick Mulvaney Negotiations
10/11/2022 Martin Hoerth AFSCME Negotiations
10/11/2022 Todd Marder AFSCME Negotiations
10/11/2022 Lisa Czech AFSCME Negotiations
10/11/2022 Kirstie Doar Negotiations
10/11/2022 Maximo Gonzalez Negotiations
10/11/2022 Kera Peterson Negotiations
11/15/2022 Thomas Lucy SPPS Divestment from Fossil Fuels and Private Prisons resolution
11/15/2022 Joshua Loahr Negotiations
11/15/2022 Aileen Larson Special Education - transportation issue for students with Type 1 Diabetes
11/15/2022 Jessica Ramstad Accessibility at Son's School
11/15/2022 Terry Ross Negotiations
11/15/2022 Christine Smith Negotiations
12/13/2022 Michelle Wall Music education and well rounded education
Date Received Name Subject
4/26/2021 Clare Murphy
4/26/2021 Thomas Lucy Solar Power
4/26/2021 Kathleen Bacigalupi Solar Power
5/18/2021 Thomas Lucy Solar Power
5/18/2021 Kathleen Bacigalupi Solar Power
5/18/2021 Kirstie Doar Budget
5/18/2021 Ellie Leaonardsmith Solar Power
5/18/2021 Evan Mathiason Solar Power
6/22/2021 Jerome Treadwell Save the Arts
6/22/2021 Claire Engebretson Gillman Save the Arts
6/22/2021 Isabella Schmitt Save the Arts
6/22/2021 Billal Madow Save the Arts
6/22/2021 Faith Allen Save the Arts
6/22/2021 Elijah Moen Save the Arts
6/22/2021 Izzy Save the Arts
6/22/2021 Nikki Mechelke Save the Arts
6/22/2021 Adrianne Johnson Save the Arts
6/22/2021 Jennifer Greupner Save the Arts
6/22/2021 Deb Horne Save the Arts
7/20/2021 Thomas Lucy Class of 2033 and Solar
7/20/2021 Aaron Kerr Solar Energy in SPPS
8/17/2021 Sarah Degner Riveros Mask Resolution
8/17/2021 Lesley Lavery Mask Resolution
8/17/2021 John Anderson Mask Resolution
8/17/2021 Peter Hendricks Safely opening SPPS
8/17/2021 Hannah Dimond Day Mask Resolution
8/17/2021 Khulia Pringle ESSR 3 funding engagement
8/17/2021 Kami O'Hara Mask Resolution
8/17/2021 John Horton Safe Learning Plan
8/17/2021 Katy Cummins-Bakko ESSR 3 funds
8/17/2021 Dr Laura Ford-Nathan Mask Resolution
8/17/2021 Jennings Campbell Mask Resolution
8/17/2021 Joelle Lester Mask Resolution
8/17/2021 Nate Barber Mask Resolution
8/17/2021 Michael Gay Mask Resolution
8/17/2021 Kevin Rank Not able to speak due to time - Mask Resolution
8/17/2021 Alexander Friedrich Not able to speak due to time - Mask Resolution
8/17/2021 Mark Lehner Not able to speak due to time
8/31/2021 Lucas Plaman LGBTQ in SPPS
8/31/2021 Aaliyah Hodge People for PSEO
8/31/2021 Brook LaFloe People for PSEO
8/31/2021 Peter Jarka-Sellers Consent Education in SPPS
8/31/2021 Kris Hartman Custodial
9/21/2021 Thomas Lucy SPFE Solar on Schools Initiative
9/21/2021 Khulia Pringle ESSER funding and literacy
9/21/2021 Robin Tushaus LGBTQ in SPPS
12/14/2021 Sam Nelson St. Paul Alpine Ski Team
12/14/2021 Eleanor Kristinsson St. Paul Alpine Ski Team
12/14/2021 Tom Lucy SPPS and Renewable Energy
12/14/2021 Leah Shepard West Side elementary schools
12/14/2021 Peter Hendricks St. Paul Alpine Ski Team
12/14/2021 Shari Albrecht School Closings
12/14/2021 Sarah Lundberg School Cancellations and Distance
12/14/2021 Clayton Howett Recognition of Dir. Brodrick and his Retirement
Date Received Name Subject
1/21/2020 FFA Students National FFA Convention/Agriculture classes
1/21/2020 Peter Gaffney Funding and Enrollment at Galtier Elementary
1/21/2020 Anna Peters Internal focus needed at Galtier Community School
1/21/2020 Rachel Stohlmannl SPFE Bargaining Proposal #10 RE: Special Education
1/21/2020 Pamela Marentette DL/I contract proposal; Adams Spanish Immersion
1/21/2020 Joshua Loahr Professional Development for teaching assistants
1/21/2020 Russell Packard Staff retention and wages
1/21/2020 Wendy Miller Support of SPFE bargaining proposals
1/21/2020 Yasmin Muridi
1/21/2020 Laure O'Keeffe Not able to speak due to time
1/21/2020 Joanne Hodgeman Not able to speak due to time
2/18/2020 Owen Griffin Use of plastic utensils
2/18/2020 Tim Brown/Julie Downwind AIMS Remodel
2/18/2020 Shawna Hedlund Community Cares
2/18/2020 Greg Moon Principal/leadership at district school
2/18/2020 Tina Fahnestock Principal/leadership at district school
2/18/2020 Valerie Shirley
2/18/2020 Laure O'Keeffe Student Mental Health Supports
2/18/2020 Sandy Lucas DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Training)
2/18/2020 Debbie Luna Principal/leadership at district school
Date Received Name Subject
1/22/19 Max Gonzalez Custodial Contract
1/22/19 John Boland Health Benefits Opt-In Policy
2/19/19 Millenium Amha Career and Technical ED Program
2/19/19 Karin McCabe Value for and the need of employees in the construction trades
2/19/19 Avery Alex LGBTQ inclusion in the schools
2/19/19 Hannah Edwards LGBTQ inclusion in the schools
2/19/19 Oluchi Omeoga LGBTQ inclusion in the schools
2/19/19 Nick Faber Support of the SEAB proposal around Ethnic Studies
2/19/19 Dallas Robertson LLI intervention implementation
2/19/19 Jennifer McPherson LLI intervention implementation
2/19/19 Kris Hartman Custodial Contract
2/19/19 John Thompson
2/19/19 Beatrice Franklin Ethnic Studies
2/19/19 Micah Coatie Ethnic Studies
2/19/19 Non Yang Ethnic Studies
2/19/19 Jose Castillo Recess in Winter
3/19/19 Stephanie Kennelly Practice of mindfulness, movement and social/emotional learning.
3/19/19 William Moore Wellness Policy
4/23/19 Caitlin Johnson & Maxfield Students Effects of Asthma
4/23/19 Russell Packard TA and Teacher retention, relations and level 3 schools
4/23/19 Joann Hodgeman Seclusion Rooms
5/21/19 Braiziah Dixon Concerns about racism in schools
5/21/19 Britany Dixon Concerns about racism in schools
5/21/19 John Thompson Schools
5/21/19 Bob Zick Facilities Department
5/21/19 John Krenik Facilities Department
5/21/19 Charles Colvin PEIP Health Insurance
5/21/19 Gwen Peterson Concerns about racism in school
6/18/19 Alexander Hochuli LMAP Name Change
6/18/19 Vita Hochuli LMAP Name Change
6/18/19 Joelle Hochuli LMAP Name Change
6/18/19 Steve Heitzeg LMAP Name Change
6/18/19 Al Hanzal LMAP Name Change
6/18/19 Patrick Fleury LMAP Name Change
6/18/19 Dave Bredemus LMAP Name Change
6/18/19 Mary Zanmiller LMAP Name Change
6/18/19 SPYS YouthPower SPPS Achieves
6/18/19 Andres Rodriguez PEIP
6/18/19 Derrick Clark PEIP
7/23/19 Charlie Colvin Health Care Contract
7/23/19 Patrick Mulvaney Insurance Breach of Contract
7/23/19 Joan Duncanson Health Insurance Contract
7/23/19 Jean Walker Health Insurance Contract
7/23/19 Kris Hartman PEIP
7/23/19 James Thomas Letter from Ministerial Alliance
7/23/19 Runny Patterson Concerns about Student Issues
7/23/19 Pastor Paul Slack Concerns about Student Issues
7/23/19 Tyrone Terrill Education of African-American Children
7/23/19 Sammie Chapman PEIP
7/23/19 Carol Aalonen Health Care
8/20/19 Nathan Strenge Oversight of Facilities
8/20/19 Joe Nathan Homelessness and other issues
8/20/19 Charlie Colvin SPFE and PEIP
8/20/19 Kirstie Doer Custodial Contract
9/17/19 Concerned Parents of ANEW BAM Access, resources and support
9/17/19 Lesley Lavery Charter School Moratorium, Start Times, School Breakfast
9/17/19 Mark Miles Financial Abuse, RFP Processes and Procedures
9/17/19 Dianne Binns School Start Times
9/17/19 Julia Burgess Start Times, Communication, Fundraising
9/17/19 Angela Vreeland Partners in Energy and Sustainability
9/17/19 Mark Lehner Attendance
10/22/19 Kathryn Wegner Parents for St. Paul Schools
10/22/19 Jennifer Klingsbury Yungers Parents for St. Paul Schools
10/22/19 Lesley Lavery Parents for St. Paul Schools
10/22/19 Todd Marder Mental Health
10/22/19 Brenda Burnside
11/19/19 Alexander Yang Hmong American Day
11/19/19 Nhia Lor, Hmong American Day
11/19/19 Athena Yang Hmong American Day
11/19/19 MaiKou Vang Hmong American Day
11/19/19 Long Yang Hmong American Day
11/19/19 Txianeng Vang Hmong American Day
11/19/19 Dallas Robertson Professional Development for TAs
11/19/19 Joshua Loahr SPPS Achieves and professional development for TAs
11/19/19 Michelle Wall Well-rounded education/budget/resource decisions
11/19/19 Angela Kohlana In support of SPFE proposal for increased mental health supports
11/19/19 Leigh Vang SPFE Negotiations
11/19/19 Tom Stinson SPFE Negotiations
11/19/19 Antonio Montez Immersion Program support
11/19/19 Bruce Corre Immersion Program support
12/17/19 Maiv Cib Lis Her Hmong Dual Immersion
12/17/19 Xang Her Hmong Dual Immersion
12/17/19 Thai Xiong Hmong Dual Immersion
12/17/19 Mayong Vang Hmong Dual Immersion
12/17/19 Lis Thao Hmong Dual Immersion
12/17/19 Ka Nah Vue Hmong Dual Immersion
12/17/19 Wa Thai Vang Hmong Dual Immersion
12/17/19 Rev. Dr. James Thomas Support of SRO Contract
12/17/19 Pastor Paul Slack Support of SRO Contract
12/17/19 Pastor Runney Patterson Support of SRO Contract
12/17/19 Tyrone Terrill Support of SRO Contract
12/17/19 Amina Samatar Incident at E-STEM
12/17/19 Amin Omar Incident at E-STEM
12/17/19 Fawzio Incident at E-STEM
12/17/19 Fadumo Incident at E-STEM
12/17/19 Nadhifo Yusuf Incident at E-STEM
Date Received Name Subject
1/30/18 Avery Welna Restorative Practices
1/30/18 John Steigauf Contracts
1/30/18 Sue Cammisul Educational Assistants
1/30/18 Lisa Czech Nurses
1/30/18 Kathryn Wegner Equitible Fully Funded Schools; Inadequate school funding
1/30/18 Kristine Monita The work of restorative practice and it's impact on Battle Creek Middle School
1/30/18 Raj Evidence Based Restorative Process
1/30/18 Joan Duncanson Special Education
1/30/18 Holly Tauer Restorative Practices
1/30/18 Bob Zick Future Agenda Items
1/30/18 Kaye Peters SPFT and negotiations
2/20/18 Maeve Handley Literacy
2/20/18 Jessica Kopp
2/20/18 Sarah Doll Literacy
2/20/18 Kayla Farhang Literacy
2/20/18 Bob Zick Future Agenda Items
2/20/18 Kaleed Mohammed Literacy
3/20/18 Dee Paw Work-based Learning Activities
3/20/18 Marlen Morales Meija Programs like STEPS, Genesys, Work Experiences
3/20/18 William Ramage Work Experience at Urban BoatBuilders
3/20/18 Jai'Patric Timberlake Work Experience at Urban BoatBuilders
3/20/18 Tim Moore Sandy Hook Promise
3/20/18 Ray Brackman School Safety
3/20/18 Maya Little Literacy Gap
3/20/18 Juliane Bur Literacy Gap
3/20/18 Sarah Doll Literacy Gap
3/20/18 Maeve Handley Literacy Gap
3/20/18 Kenneth Eban Literacy Gap
3/20/18 Bob Zick Not able to speak due to time
4/24/18 Maxfield Students & Coaches Asthma and Inhalers in Schools
4/24/18 Lynn Krautbauer Capital Hill Funding
4/24/18 Laura LaBlanc Resolution to Form a Joint Powers Entity
4/24/18 Viviane Vang Hmong New Year and Holiday Celebrations
4/24/18 See Lee Hmong New Year and Holiday Celebrations
4/24/18 Shoua Xue Lee Hmong New Year and Holiday Celebrations
4/24/18 Dia Yang Hmong New Year and Holiday Celebrations
4/24/18 Akia Yang Hmong New Year and Holiday Celebrations
4/24/18 George Thawmoo Karen New Year and Holiday Celebrations
4/24/18 Dr. Zha Blong Xiong Hmong New Year and Holiday Celebrations
4/24/18 Carla Robinson Not able to speak due to time
4/24/18 Shafequah Adbullah Not able to speak due to time
4/24/18 Ben Golnik Not able to speak due to time
4/24/18 Abdi Ahmed Not able to speak due to time
4/24/18 Heather Kieweg Not able to speak due to time
4/24/18 Fariya Abdi Not able to speak due to time
4/24/18 Harun Mohamed Not able to speak due to time
4/24/18 Moin Syed Not able to speak due to time
4/24/18 Molly Kratz Not able to speak due to time
4/24/18 Deepa Nirmal Not able to speak due to time
4/24/18 Tyler Simmers Not able to speak due to time
4/24/18 Chet Anderson Not able to speak due to time
4/24/18 Tiffini Forlsund Not able to speak due to time
4/24/18 Eliza Jernberg Not able to speak due to time
4/24/18 Noah Branch Not able to speak due to time
4/24/18 Kenneth eban Not able to speak due to time
5/22/2018 Bryn King Russian Language Program at Central
5/22/2018 Simon Mulrooney Russian Language Program at Central
5/22/2018 Alexander Hydrie Russian Language Program at Central
5/22/2018 Jasper Zarkower Russian Language Program at Central
5/22/2018 Kyle Reimnitz Russian Language Program at Central
5/22/2018 Vitor Grail Yonzon Russian Language Program at Central
5/22/2018 Charles Moe Russian Language Program at Central
5/22/2018 Olivia Gesualdo Russian Language Program at Central
5/22/2018 David Zarkower Russian Language Program at Central
5/22/2018 Jill Moe Russian Language Program at Central
5/22/2018 Bryn King Russian Language Program at Central
5/22/2018 Shane Perry Russian Language Program at Central
5/22/2018 Kwe Knyaw LEAP High School Teacher Cuts
5/22/2018 Abshir Mohamed LEAP High School Teacher Cuts
5/22/2018 Esmeralda Carrillo LEAP High School Teacher Cuts
5/22/2018 Anisa Mohamed LEAP High School Teacher Cuts
5/22/2018 Heran Tsegaye LEAP High School Teacher Cuts
5/22/2018 Sudi Ahmed LEAP High School Teacher Cuts
5/22/2018 Yomiyu Gafesu LEAP High School Teacher Cuts
5/22/2018 Ava Turino Linwood Monroe Name Change
5/22/2018 Vita Hochuli Linwood Monroe Name Change
5/22/2018 Alexander Hochuli Linwood Monroe Name Change
5/22/2018 Patrick Fleury Linwood Monroe Name Change
5/22/2018 Jason Johnson Linwood Monroe Name Change
5/22/2018 Ben Golnik Capitol Hill Budget
5/22/2018 Kate Herold Capitol Hill Budget
5/22/2018 Christi Krautbauer Capitol Hill Budget
5/22/2018 Vince Chan Capitol Hill Budget
5/22/2018 Maximo Gonzalez Not able to speak due to time
5/22/2018 Kris Hartman Not able to speak due to time
5/22/2018 John Boland Not able to speak due to time
5/22/2018 Jessica Kopp Not able to speak due to time
6/19/18 Alex Kotze Horace Mann PTA Gift/School Funding
6/19/18 Shoua Yang Importance of having a Hmong Assistant Principal and Cultural liaison at Harding Senior High
6/19/18 Chu Xiong Importance of having a Hmong Assistant Principal and Cultural liaison at Harding Senior High
6/19/18 HHJ Importance of having a Hmong Assistant Principal and Cultural liaison at Harding Senior High
6/19/18 Aleena Importance of having a Hmong Assistant Principal and Cultural liaison at Harding Senior High
6/19/18 Savor Johnson Importance of having a Hmong Assistant Principal and Cultural liaison at Harding Senior High
6/19/18 Xai Wa Xiong Importance of having a Hmong Assistant Principal and Cultural liaison at Harding Senior High
6/19/18 Kris Hartman Budget
6/19/18 Jessica Kopp Budget
6/19/18 Kirsti Doer Budget
6/19/18 Al Hanzal Monroe Name Change
6/19/18 Pat Fleury Monroe Name Change
6/19/18 June Blue Not able to speak due to time
6/19/18 John thompson Not able to speak due to time
7/17/18 June Blue American Indian Magnet
7/17/18 Pam Gokey American Indian Magnet
7/17/18 Sierra Asumu-Tutu American Indian Magnet
7/17/18 Clayton Howatt Sexual Harrassment
7/17/18 Emily Spende Sexual Harrassment
7/17/18 Virginia Simek Renaming of Monroe
7/17/18 Mike Pickett Renaming of Monroe
7/17/18 Brian Sanders School holidays and school safety
7/17/18 Bob Zick Future agenda items
8/21/18 Snap Leitner Safe Summer Nights/Monroe HS
8/21/18 Tracine Asberry Saint Paul Youth Services
8/21/18 Andrea Touhy Broadening pool of school board candidates/Referendum
8/21/18 Tony Sanneh Sannah Foundation
9/18/18 Madi Lindeman Positive Impact of Agriculture and FFA
9/18/18 Po Thaw Positive Impact of Agriculture and FFA
9/18/18 Va Lee SPPS Referendum
9/18/18 Selena Vue SPPS Referendum
9/18/18 KaYing Yang SPPS Referendum
9/18/18 Chris Naw SPPS Referendum
9/18/18 Moses Moe SPPS Referendum
9/18/18 Kay Moua SPPS Referendum
9/18/18 Pam Thao SPPS Referendum
9/18/18 Cameron Yang SPPS Referendum
9/18/18 Kou Hang SPPS Referendum
9/18/18 Wendy Zarse RiverEast
9/18/18 Brian Sanders Holiday Celebrations
9/18/18 Dianne Binns Joint Powers Agreement
10/23/18 Marry ThaDarSoe Humboldt's Academy of Info. Tech.
10/23/18 Soua Yang Humboldt's Academy of Info. Tech.
10/23/18 Kathy Glover Sustainability in SPPS
10/23/18 Joanne Hodgeman Suspensions
10/23/18 TC Duong Recommendations to Support Asian American Students
10/23/18 Tiffany Dreher In Support of CAAL
11/13/18 Kalkidan Animut Humboldt's Medical Career Pathway
11/13/18 Hanna Debele Humboldt's Medical Career Pathway
11/13/18 Kate Herold Referendum
11/13/18 Kirstie Doar Contracts
11/13/18 Jessica Kopp Hamline Elementary Bush Foundation Grant
12/18/18 Lucas Plaman LGBTQ in SPPS
12/18/18 Aaliyah Hodge People for PSEO
12/18/18 Brook LaFloe People for PSEO
12/18/18 Peter Jarka-Sellers Consent Education in SPPS
12/18/18 Kris Hartman Custodial
12/18/18 Kevin Martinson Custodial
12/18/18 James Doyle Rooftop Solar Panels
12/18/18 Chelsea DeArmond Rooftop Solar Panels
12/18/18 Mari Hirabayashi Rooftop Solar Panels
12/18/18 Sophia Rabins Rooftop Solar Panels
12/18/18 Rhetta Powers Rooftop Solar Panels
12/18/18 Grant Stevenson Rooftop Solar Panels
12/18/18 Valerie Shirley Adaptive Sports
12/18/18 John Galeo Custodial
Date Received Name Subject
1/24/17 Jordan Mobley Spoke in favor of SROs
1/24/17 Shemar Adams Spoke in favor of SROs
1/24/17 Cassie Krois Kudos to schools SRO
1/24/17 Brian Sanders Race & Culture inequality - inclusion of Hmong New Year
1/24/17 Melissa Gallagher Harassment & bullying of son by school admin.
1/24/17 Bob Zick Naming schools - custodial staff
1/24/17 Laura Jones Racial disparity & restorative practices
1/24/17 Jessica Kopp Hamline Elementary Full Service Community School Grant
1/24/17 Emily Flowers Spoke against SROs in schools
2/21/17 Muna Mohamed Value of CTE Medical Careers Program at Humboldt
2/21/17 Nereida Pena Value of CTE - CPA in preparing for the future
2/21/17 Emily Flower Reporting on SRO & student incident
3/21/17 Lucius Giusti Brownell School bullying, students told to leave, school staff not stopping bullying
3/21/17 Kailin Giusti Brownell School bullying, students told to leave, school staff not stopping bullying
3/21/17 Nicola Giusti Bullying of children, policies on bullying prohibition
3/21/17 Lah Lah Value of ELL programming at LEAP
3/21/17 Nimo Ahmed Value of ELL programming at LEAP & Need for more time
3/21/17 Ma Has Poe ELL - difficulty of learning English and need for more time to learn
3/21/17 Sam Davita SPPS delivery of ELL services & brining them into compliance
3/21/17 Kristi Herman Hill SPPS bring into compliance per MDE audit
3/21/17 D.J. Dahl Support for K-12 ELL programming but need for additional ELL supports at Hubb
3/21/17 David Barrett Support for Aerospace programs at Farnsworth
3/21/17 Kathy Fox Christensen Support for Aerospace program & STEAM
3/21/17 Anitra Krogman Support for Aerospace program in SPPS
3/21/17 Kristine Hartman SPPS custodial support
4/25/17 Birch Hansen Parent access to student information
4/25/17 Jim White Comments on good things happening at Ramsey
4/25/17 Kathy Glover Placement issues with ELL re: refugees
4/25/17 Clayton Howatt Statement of Galtier vision, funding level & enrollments
4/25/17 Peter Hendricks Consulting services provided for Superintendent search
4/25/17 Elizabeth Lake Groveland and its budget
4/25/17 Kathryn Wegner Groveland budget & long-term diminishing state of revenue
4/25/17 Neha Lang Budget cuts at Groveland
5/16/17 Birch Hansen Parent Access to Student Information
6/20/17 Michelle Wall Educational Programming accountability - health, phy ed, arts
6/20/17 Stephanie Bowron Value of music in education
6/20/17 Colleen Zuro-White Friends of highland Arts - advocacy for arts education
6/20/17 Joshua Loahr Food service contract
6/20/17 Monica Nelson-Thiele Food service contract, abuse of power (sick time)
6/20/17 Stephanie Sandback Support for nutrition services contract
6/20/17 Mary McCann Fair wages for nutrition services
6/20/17 Janet Trost Fair wages for nutrition services
6/20/17 Ju Choj Fung Teachers of color
6/20/17 Johanna De'avila Non-renewal of probationary contract
6/20/17 Colleen Lancett Non-renewal of probationary contract
7/11/17 Kris Hartman Custodial Support
7/11/17 Bob Zick Item for Future Agenda
7/11/17 Stephanie Raise for NSAs
7/11/17 Cheryl Wood Nutrition Services
7/11/17 Noreen G Central
7/11/17 Paula Caballero Como Park HS
7/11/17 Marika Stalock LibraryGo/SPPL
7/11/17 Birch Hansen Parent Access to Student Information
7/11/17 Tim Kinley Mission Statement
7/11/17 Bev Moulin Nutrition Services Contract
8/15/17 Joshua Loahr Food Service Contract
8/15/17 Michelle Fallon SRO Contract
8/15/17 Linda Kantner SRO Support
8/15/17 John Thompson Nutrition Services
8/15/17 Bob Zick Info Request & Future Agenda Items
8/15/17 Avonnie & Ja'Prie SRO Contract
8/15/17 David Ajay Process for decision making
8/15/17 Dontrell Tremble Better teachers
8/15/17 Kirstie Doag Custodian Pay Cut
8/15/17 Bonnie Walters Nutrition Services
8/15/17 Owen Hanson ECFE West Side Staffing, Communication, and Decision Making
8/15/17 Leah Shepard ECFE West Side Staffing, Communication, and Decision Making
8/15/17 Kip Hedges Food Service Contract
8/15/17 Tom Goldstein Food Service Contract
8/15/17 Elizabeth Dickinson Food Service Contract
9/19/17 Shayla Brooks & St. Paul Stars Synronized Swimming
9/19/17 Peter Hendricks School Start Times
9/19/17 Jennifer Ehrlich School Start Times
9/19/17 Julian LaFerla Behavioral Support at Adams Spanish Immersion
9/19/17 Alicia Turenne Behavioral Support at Adams Spanish Immersion
9/19/17 Maximo Gonzalez Custodian Pay
9/19/17 David Ajay Process for decision making
9/19/17 Kris Hartman Levy
9/19/17 Shirley Baysinger Wage Increase
9/19/17 Jennifer Kowalewski School Start Times
9/19/17 Tia Anderson School Start Times
9/19/17 Mike Brennan Food Service Contract
9/19/17 Noreen Edwards Food Service Contract
9/19/17 Amey Obi-Kpelo Food Service Contract
9/19/17 Joshua Loahr Not able to speak due to time
9/19/17 Bob Zick Not able to speak due to time
9/19/17 Mary McMahon Not able to speak due to time
9/19/17 Susan Sajevic Not able to speak due to time
9/19/17 Anita Miletto Not able to speak due to time
9/19/17 Bev Moulin Not able to speak due to time
9/19/17 Monica Nelson-Thiele Not able to speak due to time
9/19/17 John Thompson Not able to speak due to time
10/17/17 James Khan School Start Times
10/17/17 David Quosig School Start Times
10/17/17 Greg Copeland School Start Times
10/17/17 Jacqueline Baronian School Start Times
10/17/17 Abby Nelson and Natalie Yang School Start Times
10/17/17 Pat Auran School Start Times
10/17/17 Jessica Kopp School Start Times
10/17/17 Marta Shore Increase Funding and Provide Equitable Schools
10/17/17 Daria Caldwell Need for more support staff
10/17/17 Nicole Nolen Payments in lieu of taxes
10/17/17 Mark Lanener School Start Times
10/17/17 Monica Nelson-Thiele Not able to speak due to time
10/17/17 Bob Zick Not able to speak due to time
10/17/17 Jenna Styles-Spooner Not able to speak due to time
10/17/17 SeePha Vang Not able to speak due to time
10/17/17 John Thompson Not able to speak due to time
11/14/17 Bob Zick Future Agenda Items
11/14/17 Beth Swanberg Negotiations - SPFT
11/14/17 Nick Faber Negotiations - SPFT
11/14/17 Jordan Ash School Revenue - SPFT
12/19/17 Hannah Powers Robotics Class
12/19/17 Eleanor O'Callaghan Robotics Class
12/19/17 Isaac Schneider Robotics Class
12/19/17 Qwadir Moran Robotics Class
12/19/17 Eva Langenbrunner Robotics Class
12/19/17 Martha Johnson Special Education Policy
12/19/17 Lisa Randall Special Education Policy
12/19/17 Amy Eelkema Special Education Policy
12/19/17 Brian Sanders Equity in Holiday Celebrations
12/19/17 Erica Schatzlein Additional Revenue for Schools
12/19/17 Bob Spaulding Support of the District and Union signing off on QComp funding
12/19/17 Peter Hendricks Budget/QComp
12/19/17 John Thompson SPPS
12/19/17 Bob Zick Future agenda items
Date Received Name Subject
1/19/16 Raphael Espanoza Situation at son's school/contract settlement
1/19/16 Rainbow Espanoza Situation at son's school
1/19/16 Rebecca Lessard Sanchez Parent Engagement in schools
1/19/16 Bob Zick School Climate & Items for Future Agendas
1/19/16 Tom Stinson Concerns re: Related Services (Nurses, counselors, etc.)
1/19/16 Joanne Hodgeman Parent engagement in schools
1/19/16 Mary Karen Hetznecker Re-evaluating curriculum
1/19/16 Kirinda Anderson Parent Involvement at schools
1/19/16 Karen Palmen Contract Negotiation
1/19/16 Rashael Turner Implicit Bias & Lack of value for black students
3/22/16 Susan Montgomery Poor school climate & no respect for students
3/22/16 Taye Clinton No teacher support for black students, harassment & discrimination
3/22/16 Kaylynn Asberry Discrimination
3/22/16 Davina Newman Suspensions, expulsions & Dismissal in schools
3/22/16 Laura Jones Suspension data/school climate
3/22/16 Steffanie Christofore Hostile work environment, workplace harassment & bullying
3/22/16 Sarah Atunah-Jay Early childhood learning & culturally responsive curriculum
3/22/16 Joanne Hodgeman Data does not support student discipline issues
3/22/16 Beth Jackson Reasons leaving SPPS, racist teachers & those who support them
3/22/16 Linda Broyles Discrimination, racism
3/22/16 Shauntel Adam Concerns re: Como & passive racism
3/22/16 John Krenik School safety
3/22/16 Ann Haines School climate
3/22/16 Clayton Howatt Galtier
3/22/16 Jim Endres Teacher support
4/26/16 Kate Meixell PAC for Highland @Homecroft ECFE
4/26/16 John Horton New middle school & budget
4/26/16 Windau, Cindy School & Community support professionals
4/26/16 Brian Singer Linwood Monroe Arts Plus
4/26/16 Sally Rafowicz JJ Hill Pre-K thru 8
4/26/16 Jason Johnson Linwood Monroe Arts Plus
4/26/16 Rachel Panitzke Impact of school libraries
4/26/16 Chris Wells Linwood Monroe Arts Plus
4/26/16 Isabel Patrick School libraries
4/26/16 Melody Nelson Importance of school librarians from teacher perspective
4/26/16 Lumin Johnson FMP - support for Linwood project
4/26/16 Ann Blumer-Lamotte Support for Linwood
4/26/16 Michael Walker School community contract
4/26/16 Christian King School libraries
4/26/16 Raul Caballero SCSP's play in schools
4/26/16 Greg Williams Planned closure of Galtier
4/26/16 Jeffry Martin, Pres. NAACP Meaningful school integration
4/26/16 Tasha Rose Hodges Budget
4/26/16 Clayton Howatt Galtier Elementary
4/26/16 Selina Gant Galtier
4/26/16 Gabriel Russell OWL
4/26/16 Robert Adams Como
4/26/16 Davina Newman Dissatisfaction with district
5/17/16 Maurice Fields School climate
5/17/16 Daniel Bowman Zero tolerance policy
5/17/16 James Farnsworth Budget and student engagement
5/17/16 Lupe Thornhill American Indian studies
5/17/16 Bob Spaulding Impact of state cutbacks on SPPS
5/17/16 Kris Beedle IB/Jie Ming pathway from HP Elem to HP Middle & HS
5/17/16 Molly Kratz IB/Jie Ming pathway from HP Elem to HP Middle & HS
5/17/16 Mara Martinson Galtier's unique programs
5/17/16 Tiffany Dreher Budget - specialists & electives proposal
5/17/16 Khulia Pringle Discrimination at OWL and zero tolerance policy
5/17/16 Laura Jones Restorative justice pilots and district-wide support
5/17/16 Emily Flowers Experience of students of color in SPPS environment
5/17/16 Chauntyll Allen Accountability & failure of district to teach children
5/17/16 Charlotte Flowers Keep area E schools balanced & integrated
5/17/16 Wendy Miller Safety concern at Dayton's Bluff (hallway wall)
OTHERS signed up but not able to speak on 5/17/16
5/17/16 Clayton Howatt Galtier
5/17/16 SPPS parent Forsland suit
5/17/16 Bob Zick Items for future board agendas
5/17/16 Christine McGuire Assets of instrumental music in 4-12 grades
5/17/16 Rose Lewis Student graduation
5/17/16 Tim Kinley Legislation
5/17/16 Eric Ly ?
5/17/16 Cooper Vang ?
5/17/16 Keith Thao ?
6/21/16 Davina Newman Silva & Galtier
6/21/16 Abraham Rafowicz JJ Hill Principal appointment
6/21/16 Charles Rafowicz JJ Hill Principal appointment
6/21/16 Andrew Karre JJ Hill concerns
6/21/16 Kate Mulinex Principal at JJ Hill
6/21/16 Nancy Jameson Funding restoration to the schools
6/21/16 Oredola Taylor Colored student access to world class curriculum & desire for high expectations of same
6/21/16 Kristina Halvorson Fiscal responsibility to the community re budgets
6/21/16 Oakley Biesanz Concern re proposed principal for JJ Hill
6/21/16 Bob Zick No golden parachute for Silva
6/21/16 Bridget Moore Proposed budget cuts are irresponsibile
6/21/16 John Krenek Support for SRO program & safe environment in schools
6/21/16 Paul Washington Safety of colored students & treat with dignity
6/21/16 Candice Lee Loss of EIP program6/21/16
6/21/16 Andrew Pendelton Support for Superintendent
OTHERS signed up but not able to speak on 6/21/16
6/21/16 Daniel Heil JJ Hill principal
6/21/16 Mary Jane Sommerville SPPS budget
6/21/16 Jackie McNamara JJ Hill
6/21/16 Jacquie Thomas No cuts OFECP
6/21/16 Kevin Motz Comment times
6/21/16 Tyrone Terrill Black students
6/21/16 Jeffrey Martin Black Students
6/21/16 Rashad Turner Black students
6/21/16 Rose Lewis Cuts
7/26/16 Davina Newman SROs need added training
7/26/16 Dallas Robertson Commit to racial equity-scope of work in schools, SRO Contract-work in
best interest of students
7/26/16 Mikisha Natiaon Information on Break Through Twin Cities
7/26/16 Saffiyah Alaziz Problems with SROs
7/26/16 Makkah Salaam Money spent on SROs that could be used better in schools
7/26/16 Ariani Ward SROs not taking relationship with students seriously
7/26/16 Paul Washington Assess effectiveness of bringing safety to students
7/26/16 Rose Lewis SROs-need to allow students at the table
7/26/16 JoAnne Hodgeman No need for armed officers in the schools
7/26/16 Chantelle Allen SROs not properly trained in de-escalation, cultural references and trauma training
7/26/16 Lunette Zecha More counselors in the schools
7/26/16 Cimity Flowers School safety
7/26/16 Jane Lampland PERK recommendations
OTHERS signed up but not able to speak on 7/26/16
7/26/16 Bob Zick Items for future agendas
7/26/16 Tim Kinley ?
8/23/16 LNFI Orchestra performed
8/23/16 Kennedy Njoroge LNFI Music program
8/23/16 Aida Faye Benefits of LNFI music program
8/23/16 Kathy Farm Difficulties after purchase of T-shirt
8/23/16 Terry Roepke Concerns re: Highland Elem. expansion
8/23/16 David Bird Highland Elementary loss of green space
8/23/16 Bob Zick Cost of letting Silva go, lead in school water
8/23/16 Davina Hoffman SROs
8/23/16 Susan Zarande Music at LNFI
8/23/16 Tim Kinley Civics in the schools
OTHERS signed up but not able to speak on 8/23/16
8/23/16 Darcy Tinnes Highland Elementary
8/23/16 Malachi Raymond 9th Grade OWL Student BOE Comments
9/20/16 Brian Aldes TA Labor Negotiations
9/20/16 Jeff Martin-NAACP Integration Task Force
9/20/16 Andreas Jepssen Protocol to increase transparency between Board and SPPS Legal
9/20/16 Greg Copeland Make negotiations public, budget reduction
9/20/16 Luke Stultz 1050 Kent - lack of communication on project
9/20/16 Paul Montag Opposition to 1050 Kent project
9/20/16 Terry Jarrett Requirements of TA job - contract negotiations
9/20/16 Lynda Hansen Need for living wage - TA negotiations
9/20/16 Cindy Windon Labor contract
9/20/16 Kevin Matz Need for change to public comment format
9/20/16 Russell Packard TA contract - need for living wage
9/20/16 Sami Gabriel Negotiation on TA contract
9/20/16 Wendi Zarse 1050 Kent project - lack of communication
OTHERS signed up but not able to speak on 9/20/16
9/20/16 Bob Zick Future agenda items
10/25/16 Paolo Provenzano Start times - replace one problem with greater one
10/25/16 Ronnie Sprigler Classroom safety, bus safety, work climate
10/25/16 Joan Duncanson Value of teaching assistants in the schools
10/25/16 Michael Thompson Support for later start times in high schools
10/25/16 Tom Benson Support for change in start times
10/25/16 Roxanne Prichard Support for change in start times particularly because of neurological impacts
10/25/16 Adriana Alejandro-Osorio Oppose change in start times for elementary
10/25/16 Melanie McMahon Cost to families for change in start times for elementary
10/25/16 Martin Hoerth Value of TAs
10/25/16 Tia Anderson Do not change elementary start times
10/25/16 Jeff Horwich Oppose start time changes - impact on children and families, particular
magnet schools and most vulnerable populations
10/25/16 Peter Hendricks Limited community engagement relative to start time changes
10/25/16 Bernae Gunderson Safety, respect, equity for TAs
10/25/16 Khulia Pringle Overview of Students for Educational Reform survey results
OTHERS signed up but not able to speak on 10/25/16
10/25/16 Rebekah Levreau Rethinking school start times
10/25/16 Greg Felice Start times
10/25/16 Jonathan Waldo Start Times
10/25/16 Sue Austin Start times
10/25/16 Brian Aldes Contract
10/25/16 Bob Kolstag Contract
10/25/16 Wendy Daniels Contract
11/15/16 Paolo Provenzano Do not change School Start Times for elementary
11/15/16 Tracie Nordstrom Value of TAs in the schools
11/15/16 Catherine Bickharry TA contract & the difficulty of their job re: student behavior
11/15/16 Greg Felice Delay start time changes
11/15/16 Bobbie Harper (Obama) Behavior & social needs in classrooms, citywide busing
11/15/16 Linda Smaller Commitment to protect civil rights & safety of all students (bias incidents
& hate crime events)
11/15/16 Kaiyng Vang-Lor Start Time & concerns about younger students taking bus to school
11/15/16 Rebekah Levreau Start times
11/15/16 Jonathan Waldo Start times - allow new superintendent to roll into new strategic plan
11/15/16 Amber Waldo Concern about effects of start times changes and solving transportation
issues associated with it
11/15/16 Brenda Natala Seek perspective from all families on elementary start times (involves age 3 thru Pre-K)
11/15/16 Azia Brown Teacher - bias issues
11/15/16 Khulia Pringle (Students for Ed Reform) More training on cultural equlity, concern about
hate crimes in high schools
11/15/16 Joel Updyke Support later start times for secondary but not for elementary
11/15/16 James Farnsworth Concern about budget shortfalls, decreases in enrollment, recommended
eliminating wait listing
12/13/16 Kate Herold Consider Rondo Ed Center as one entity when doing start time change
12/13/16 Vasko Carlson Education, Innovation, Productivity
12/13/16 Megan Brown Obama improvement plan
12/13/16 Marc Manderscheid Board needs to set direction, show leadership
12/13/16 Joshua Loahr TA contract - bring to living wage
12/13/16 Ember Reichgott Junge Nonprofit "Heart of Dance" - SPPS participation
12/13/16 Jennifer Brown Oppose school start time changes for elementary
12/13/16 Suzanne Darnell Oppose school start time changes for elementary impact important family time
12/13/16 Tyrone Brookins Jie Ming Mandarin Immersion - maintain standards and progress made
12/13/16 Khulia Pringle Suspension rates for SPPS particularly black and brown students
12/13/16 Arden Ashley-Wurtmann Support for start time changes
12/13/16 Emily Flowers Suspensions - what is being done about it??
Date Received Name Subject
9/22/15 Jennie Wrenson Busing
9/22/15 Bob Zick Policy Revision 206.00 & Pay 16 Levy
9/22/15 Timothy Kinley Youth Voice in District Decisions
9/22/15 Greg Copeland Pay 16 Tax Levy
10/20/15 Bob Zick Student Growth
11/17/15 Susan Montgomery Policy Inconsistencies
11/17/15 Dyvonte Clinton Racism & Bullying
11/17/15 Ann Malm School Start Time
11/17/15 Kristin Pickering School Start Times
11/17/15 Virginia Palmer School Start Times
11/17/15 Bob Zick Achievement Gap-Inadequate Parenting
11/17/15 Sara Veblen-Mortenson Later Start Times for High Schools
11/17/15 Clair Mortenson Later Start Times for High Schools
11/17/15 Timothy Kinley Televising Public Comment
12/15/15 Pete McCauley Hamline Elementary
12/15/15 Nancy Vang & Jodie Wilson Hamline Elementary & Collaborative
12/15/15 Bob Zick Student Learning & Achievement
12/15/15 Timothy Kinley Violence in Schools
- Los Comentarios Públicos comenzarán a las 5:30 p.m. en punto. El tiempo permitido para comentarios será de un máximo de 30 minutos. Otros temas a tratar por la Mesa Directiva de Educación comenzarán exactamente a las 6:05 p.m. o antes, si es que pocas personas hacen comentarios.
- Las personas pueden apuntarse anticipadamente por correo electrónico o llamando a la Secretaria de la Mesa Directiva ( / 651-767-8149), o completando el formulario de Comentarios Públicos en el sitio de internet de la Mesa Directiva. Si no se apuntan anticipadamente, se les permitirá hacerlo en la reunión, pero no podrán hacerlo después de las 5:30 p.m., cuando comience la sesión de comentarios públicos. Al apuntarse, indique su nombre, dirección, teléfono o correo electrónico y el tema sobre el cuál hablarán, señalando si está relacionado a un área específica de la agenda. (Temas tratados en la agenda formal de esa reunión) o si es un tema no relacionado con la agenda.
- El orden en el cual las personas serán llamadas es el siguiente: estudiantes, personas que van a hablar sobre un tema relacionado de la agenda, otras personas en el orden en el cual se apuntaron, dándole preferencia a aquellos que no han hablado en los últimos tres meses. El tiempo asignado de tres minutos puede ser reducido para poder acomodar a la mayoría de personas posibles dentro de los 30 minutos establecidos.
- Se les pide a las personas que hablen por un máximo de tres (3) minutos solamente. Se utilizará un aparato para medir el tiempo y sonará una bocina cuando el tiempo se haya acabado.
- Por favor NO INCLUYA nombres de empleados de las Escuelas Públicas de Saint Paul, sus cargos o nombre de sus ubicaciones dentro de sus comentarios para su protección legal y para proteger los derechos legales de los empleados. Esto incluye nombre de la escuela, grado escolar o cargo que pueda identificar al individuo de forma pública. Asuntos relacionados con empleados del distrito escolar deben ser hechos por escrito y pueden identificar a empleados por nombre, título, ubicación, etc. y deben ser enviados al Departamento de Recursos Humanos.
- Se les pide a las personas que completen el "Sign-In Sheet" para poder contar con un registro más completo de su inquietud/asunto para beneficio de la administración o que proporcionen a la Mesa Directiva o Administradores una copia por escrito de sus comentarios
Para ser justos con todos los participantes, la Mesa Directiva de SPPS le pide que respete el proceso anteriormente mencionado. Gracias por compartir sus inquietudes.
- Lub sij hawm rau cov pej xeem tawm suab yuav pib kiag thaum 5:30 p.m. Tsuas pub lub sij hawm rau pej xeem tawm suab ntev kawg nkaus 30 feeb xwb. Cov Tsav Xwm yuav pib lwm yam dej num kiag thaum 6:05 p.m. los sis ntxov zog yog hais tias tsis muaj neeg coob tuaj tawm suab.
- Cov neeg yuav tuaj tawm suab yuav tsum email los sis hu mus sau npe ua ntej ntawm Cov Tsav Xwm Tus Neeg Teev Ntawv ( / 651-767-8149) los sis mus sau nej cov lus rau daim ntawv Public Comment hauv website. Yog hais tias tsis tau sau npe ua ntej, thaum tuaj txog nram lub rooj sib tham mam sau npe los tau tiam sis kev sau npe yuav xaus rau thaum 5:30 p.m. uas yog lub sij hawm pej xeem pib tawm suab. Thaum nej los hais lus, qhia nej lub npe, chaw nyob, xov tooj los sis email thiab seb nej tuaj hais txog dab tsi thiab qhia seb qhov nej tuaj hais ntawd puas yog tej yam xws li tej nyob rau hauv daim kom tswj (cov ntsiab lus hauv daim kom tswj uas yuav tham txog hauv lub rooj sib tham no) los tsis yog.
- Peb yuav hu cov neeg los tawm suab raws li ntawm no: cov tub ntxhais kawm ntawv, cov neeg tuaj hais txog tej ncauj lus uas nyob rau hauv daim kom tswj, cov uas tuaj hais txog lwm yam mam los hais tom qab raws li cov npe uas peb tau txais, tiam sis yuav xub cia cov uas tsis tau tuaj tawm suab peb lub hlis dhau los, los hais ua ntej. Yog hais tias muaj coob leej tuaj tawm suab, tej zaum peb yuav muab lub sij hawm txo ua 2 feeb lawm xwb kom cov neeg tau los hais lus coob li coob tau nyob rau 30 feeb uas tso rau sawv daws los tawm suab ntawd.
- Ib tug neeg twg tsuas pub hais lus ntev kawg nkaus yog 3 feeb xwb (los sis 2 feeb yog tias muaj neeg coob tuaj tawm suab raws li hais los sauv). Yuav muaj ib lub tswb nrov thaum nej lub sij hawm tag lawm.
- Thaum nej hais nej cov lus, thov TSIS TXHOB hais cov neeg ua hauj lwm hauv Tsoom Fwv Tsev Kawm Ntawv Nroog Xees Phos lub npe, lub luag hauj lwm los sis qhov chaw ua hauj lwm vim yog kev tiv thaiv nej thiab cov neeg ua hauj lwm sawv daws. Qhov nov xam tag nrho tej yam uas yuav ua rau lwm tus paub hais tias nej hais txog leej twg xws li lub npe tsev kawm ntawv, qib kawm ntawv los sis lub luag hauj lwm. Yog muaj teeb meem dab tsi ntsig txog cov neeg ua hauj lwm hauv tsev kawm ntawv, sau ntawv mus rau Human Resources Department es mam tso lawv lub npe, lub luag hauj lwm, chaw ua hauj lwm, thiab lwm yam rau hauv.
- Cov neeg yuav tuaj tawm suab yuav tsum ua daim ntawv sau npe los sis Sign-In Sheet kom tiav, cov tsav xwm thiab thawj coj thiaj li muaj ntaub ntawv teev tseg tias qhov kev txhawj xeeb los sis teeb meem uas nej tuaj hais txog ntawd yog dab tsi.
Yuav ua kom ncaj ncees rau txhua tus neeg uas tuaj koom, SPPS Cov Tsav Xwm Kev Kawm Ntawv xav thov kom cov neeg uas tuaj tawm suab ua raws li cov txheej txheem uas tau teev tseg saum toj no. Ua tsaug uas nej tuaj qhia nej tej kev txhawj xeeb rau peb.
- Kulanka Gudoonka Waxbarashadu wuxuu billoowdaa 5:30 galabnimo waana marka ay billaabanayso wakhtiga dadwaynaha loo qorsheeyey. Wakhtiga dadwayhaha loo qorsheeyey wuxuu ugu badnaan noqonayaa 30 daqiiqo. Arimaha kale ee Guddoonka Waxbarashadu kawada hadlayo waxay si aan kala go’lahayn u billaabanayaan 6:05 ee galabnimo ama ka horba haddii aanay jirin cid dadwaynaha ka socata oo dood qabta.
- Waxaa shardi ah inay dadka dooda soo jeedinaya horay u sii saxiixaan ayagoo email u soodiraya ama soo wacaya Xoghaynta Guddoonka Waxbarashada ( / 651-767-8149). Haddii aanay horey u soo saxiixin waxaa loo ogolaanayaa xubnaha dadwaynaha ka socda ee inay hadlaan doonaya inay albaabka ku saxiixaan balse saxiixu wuxuu dhamaanayaa 5:30 galabnimo oo ah wakhtiga ay dooda dadwaynuhu bilaabanayso. Waxaad qoraysaa magacaaga, cinwaankaaga talefoonkaaga ama emailkaaga arinta aad ka hadlaysid (waxyaabaha laga hadlayo haday tahay mid shirka markaa taagan lagaga hadlayo oo ajandihiisa ku jirta) ama waxaad ka hadli kartaa wax aan ajendahaku jirin.
- Habka dadka ka hadlaya kulanka loogu kala yeerayo waa sidan: ardayda, dadka ka hadlaya waxa kulunku ku saabsanyahay, kadibna habka ay magacyada dadka kale usoo kala horeeyeen iyadoo tixgalin la siin doono dadkii aan hadlin saddexdii bilood ee lasoo dhaafay. Waxaa dhici karta in wakhtiga qof walba loo qoondeeyay la yareeyo si lay u suurto gasho in dhammaan dadku ay helaan fursad ay fikirkooda ku dhiibtaan mudada 30 daqiiqo ah ee loo qoondeeyey.
- Qof walba waxaa la siindoonaa (3) daqiiqo ama (wax ka yar sida kor aan ku sheegnay). Waxaa la is ticmaalyaa saacad lagu ilaaliyo wakhtiga uu baaq bixinaysa marka uu wakhtigu kaa dhamaado.
- Fadlan hadalkaaga HAKU SOO DARIN magacyada shaqaalaha Dugsiyada Dadwaynaha ee Saint Paul, darajadooda, ama magaca meesha ay ka shaqeeyaan inaad sidaa yeeshaana adiga ayey sharci ahaan ku badbaadinaysaa waxayna xafidaad u tahay xaquuqda sharciga ah ee shaqaalaha. Arimaha aan lagu soo dari karin waxaa ka mid ah waxyaabaha cadaynaya macagaca iskuulka, fasalka ama darajada shaqada qofku hayo taas oo qofka si la wada ogsoon yahay u soo badhigaysa. Arimaha la xiriira shaqaalaha iskuulada degmada waa in qoraal lagu soo gudbiyaa waaxda qaabilsan shaqaalaha (Human Resourses) iyadoo shaqaalaha la cadeeyaa magaciisa, darajadiisa, meesha uu ka shaqeeyo, iwm.
- Fadlan saxiix Warqada la Saxiixayo, si laguu siiyo diiwaan dhamaystiran oo ku saabsan waxyaabaha aad walaaca ka qabto taas oo fududeynaysa shaqada maamulka. Sidoo kale waxaad ra’yigaaga oo qoran u soo gudbin kartaa Guddonka Waxbarashada.
Anagoo tixgalinayna caddaalada ay mudanyihiin dhammaan ka-qaybgalayaashu, haddaba waxaan codsanaynaa inaad xushmaysaan habka arintaan loo dejiyey. Waxaad ku mahadsantihiin inaad nala wadaagtaan figradihiina iyo talooyinkiina.