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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
360 Colborne Street
Saint Paul


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Business & Financial Affairs

The SPPS Business and Financial Affairs Office (BFA) supports the district with budget, accounting, and advice on financial matters. The aim is to ensure SPPS schools and programs can make the district’s vision a reality.

BFA support covers the following areas:


Provides day-to-day bookkeeping for SPPS programs and schools.  Staff record purchases, sales, receipts, and payments made by SPPS schools, programs, grants, and departments. 

The accounting staff review records to ensure documentation is available for audits of how SPPS money is managed and spent. Accounting drives spending and accounting practice improvements.

Accounts Payable

Pays SPPS bills and manages money paid out by the district. Sometimes referred to as AP, these staff manage the payment of SPPS bills, purchases, and contracts.

Staff work closely with purchasing to ensure proper approval has been obtained and documentation is submitted.  They also perform checks to identify misuse or fraudulent use of district money.

Accounts Receivable

Receives money coming into the district. Sometimes referred to as AR, this department receives all money coming into the district, whether it’s through government funding, grants, gifts, etc. 

Staff ensure that cash and checks received by programs, schools, and the district are properly recorded and deposited in the correct accounts.

Asset Management

Manages the district’s equipment and supplies, including computers, printers, power tools and small appliances.  

Budget Administration and Support

Looks at the strategic big-picture budget for the entire district over many months.  Ensures SPPS can pay for planned expenses.

Grants Office

Provides overall supervision of district grant activities. Connects the budget, planning, and reporting elements to the project.


Oversees and supports the large-scale software systems used by human resources and payroll daily.

PeopleSoft Login

Purchasing and Contract Services

Manages all SPPS contracts and works with staff on purchases. Purchases quality supplies necessary to support the SPPS mission, while getting the best value.  Contracts and purchases are managed according to city, state, and federal laws and regulations. 

Student Accounting and State Reporting

Collects data from public schools and nonpublic schools in St. Paul, and report- to the state weekly. Data is used to determine state and federal funding. Staff focus on getting the maximum funding available for each school.
