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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
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The SPPS Accounting Department provides accounting and financial support for SPPS programs and schools.

 We are responsible for state, federal, and other outside financial reporting as well as the preparation of annual statements. We focus heavily on the district's compliance with laws regarding the appropriate spending of public money. We are actively involved with any financial audits.

Accounting participates in the Budget and Finance Advisory Committee and the St. Paul Joint Property Tax Advisory Committee. The city of St. Paul's school tax levy provides funding for the maintenance and day-to-day operations of SPPS schools. 

Accounting also sells bonds and certificates of participation to fund SPPS construction when needed. While construction can involve new buildings, it most often involves renovation of and additions to existing buildings.

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Accounts Payable

The SPPS Accounts Payable Department pays the district's bills and manages the money paid out by the district. We work closely with Purchasing & Contract Services to manage SPPS purchasing cards. We are also involved in annual audits to ensure that purchases throughout the year are reasonable and appropriate.

Accounts Receivable

Billing is one of the major duties of the Accounts Receivable Department. We receive all the money that comes into SPPS. This involves gathering complete information on where the money is from and what it is for, to ensure it is deposited into the correct accounts. Our staff prepares cash flow projections for the district.

Accounts Receivable also supports departments within the SPPS Office of Business and Financial Affairs. We assist the Payroll Department in printing off-cycle checks, and we print daily vendor and athletics checks for Accounts Payable.

Asset Management

The Asset Management Department manages the district’s equipment and supplies, including computers, printers, power tools and small appliances.

We assist the many sites of SPPS conduct inventory to ensure all district purchased assets are accounted for. This functions as one of the district's internal controls to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse.