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FY25 Budget Update - April 2024

Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS) leaders and staff across the district have been meeting since last summer to create a budget for next year that is equitable, balanced, and reflects our community’s values. Through extensive engagement conducted in the spring and fall of 2023, we learned that our students, families, staff and community members value schools that are safe, respectful and reflect our students’ diverse cultures and learning needs. These values, as well as our instructional priority of literacy, have guided our decisions about next year’s budget. 

When this process began last year, our anticipated budget shortfall was approximately $150 million. Since then, we have worked to identify cost savings and budget reductions of approximately $130.6 million. See the charts below for an overview of the reductions identified to date and some of the changes that families and staff will see in schools and programs next year. 

Budget Reduction Target for Fiscal Year 2025

(Running Total as of April 3, 2024)

Summary of Budget Reductions/Savings

Budget Impact


Running Total


Estimated FY25 Budget Shortfall



Fall 2023

FY24: New revenue, unemployment insurance savings

FY25: ARP one-time expenses, additional state aid, additional compensatory aid



January 2024

Discontinuation/reduction of ARP and non-ARP funded programs and staff, supplemental pay savings, school allocation savings



Feb/March 2024

Additional reductions in district staff and services 



April 2024

At this time, SPPS has $19.7 million left to reduce to reach a balanced budget for fiscal year 2025 (FY25). The district may use some of its remaining fund balance to fill this budget gap. The FY25 budget has to be approved by the Board of Education in June.

Sample Changes to Schools and Programs for 2024-25

Grade Level/Program


FY25 (Change)

Additional Information

Early Childhood

Early Childhood Hub - Two sites

Early Childhood Hub - One site

The Early Childhood Hub East will consolidate to the West Hub.


No composite (split) classrooms in kindergarten-third grade

No composite (split) classrooms in kindergarten-first grade

Composite (split) classrooms will be allowed for grades 2, 3, 4 and 5.  


Subjects taught by specialists were determined by each school. 

Science and Physical Education (PE) specialists should be prioritized first, followed by music or art for most schools (language for IB schools). 

Number of specialists will be similar to pre-pandemic due to loss of ARP; classroom teachers will support well-rounded education standards.

Middle School

WINN (What I Need Now) Reading teachers for students in grades K-2 and 6-8 who need additional support

WINN Reading teachers for students in grades 3-5 and 6-8 who need additional support

Based on data, students in these grades are most in need of WINN Reading support. Every elementary and middle school will have one WINN Reading teacher.

Middle/High School

Schools staffed with enough teachers to allow class sizes to be six students below average class size limits

Schools staffed with enough teachers to allow class sizes to be four students below average class size limits

Class sizes will remain below the required class size caps at every school

High School

Four high schools with the lowest graduation rates have a credit recovery teacher


All high schools have a credit recovery intervention specialist

No credit recovery teachers or credit recovery intervention specialists 

Credit recovery will not be available during the school day. It will continue to be available after school and in the summer. 

Learning Technology Supports

Schools have Technology Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSAs)  to support schools’ technology needs

Schools will not have Technology TOSAs.

Additional Field Techs will support schools with technology needs.  

Library Services

Licensed Media Specialist (LMS) at all secondary schools. Educational assistants (EAs) support elementary libraries.

LMS at all secondary schools. Increased staffing at elementary schools to ensure libraries remain accessible.

Increasing staffing at elementary schools to ensure libraries are accessible to students.


Increased custodial and maintenance staff, air filtration and disinfection protocols with ARP funding

Loss of all ARP-funded custodial and maintenance staff and supplies plus additional reductions

Reduction in daily cleaning capacity and ability to fulfill maintenance work orders

Nutrition Services

Increased Nutrition Services staff with ARP funding

Reduction in Nutrition Services staffing levels and menu changes

Changes to menu items and foodservice supplies will be necessary 


Majority of SPPS schools use yellow buses to transport students to and from school

Majority of SPPS schools will continue to use yellow buses to transport students to and from school

Reduced backup coverage could lead to route cancellations

Title I

Schools with 49.1% or more students qualifying for educational benefits receive Title I funds

Schools with 48.4% or more students qualifying for educational benefits receive Title I funds 

Reduction or loss of Title I funding for some schools due to fewer families filling out forms and less carryover funds available

District Departments

Increased staffing levels and external contracts due to ARP funding

Reduction in staffing, external contracts, supplies and materials above and beyond ARP funds

Reduced access to various district services for staff, families and community members

For more information about programs that were previously identified to continue or stop next year, please refer to the February and March FY25 budget updates. You can also review the April 3 Committee of the Board presentation and audio recording for more detail and discussion.

It’s important to know that these budget reductions mean the loss of programs and staff at both the school and district level. While we wish these cuts were not necessary, we remain focused on reaching a balanced budget that serves our students and upholds our mission of inspiring students to think critically, pursue their dreams, and change the world.

School Budget Information Meetings

We will continue to keep you up to date on the FY25 budget via email, on the FY25 budget website and through Board of Education meetings. In addition, families should watch for information from their school about upcoming budget meetings taking place in April and May. These meetings are designed to inform members of each school community about their school’s budget and staffing changes for next year.

Previous budget updates and other information can be found at You can also use the FY25 Budget Feedback form to submit comments or questions that may be added to the FAQ on this website.

Read More about April 4, 2024