Change Log
Change Log
This page lists substantive changes to the SPPS procedure manual's content. Minor adjustments to wording will not be listed here.
Changes are grouped by the PDF edition of the manual that contains the updates. Click the right arrow to expand a grouping to see the specific changes. Under the date, you will find a summary of changes and who made them.
All content here is listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent at the top.
- Current Content Changes - not yet applied to PDF
- 2021, December Content Changes
- 2020, March Content Changes
- 2019, November Content Changes
- 2019, July Content Changes
- 2019, May Content Changes
- 2019, January Content Changes
Current Content Changes - not yet applied to PDF
2022, November 10
- Updated the Sole-Source or Noncompetative Purchase procedure
- Added Sole-Source Posting Form to Appendix B: Document Warehouse
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2022, October 11
- Updated contacts in Appendix A: Contacts
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2022, September 29
- Added eRFP-specific resources and additional information to the Purchase Requisition for Services procedure
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2022, September 27
- Updated the language and links to the eRFP (instead of eProcurement) in the Purchase Requisition for Services procedure
- Updated the rates for the Purchase of Metro Transit Cards/Tokens procedure
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2022, September 12
- Updated the BAI template, linked in many procedures and in Appendix B: Document Warehouse.
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2022, September 8
- Update to Appendix A: Contacts to reflect changes in the Grants Office staff.
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2022, April 21
- Minor update to the Reconciling Athletic Ticket Sales Reports page
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2022, April 4
- Added the AP team and corrected the AP Manager email on Appendix A: Contacts
- Updated routing for paperwork on the Professional Growth Tuition Reimbursement procedure
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2022, March 31
- Updated the Hiring Past District Employees as Independent Contractors procedure
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2022, March 30
- Minor update to improve clarity of the Media Interactions procedure
- Clarification on the Food Purchase Regulations procedure when staff are involved.
Completed by Shareen Mann
2022, March 22
- Updated media and controller contact information on Appendix A: Contacts
- Updated the Media Interactions procedure
Completed by Shareen Mann
2021, December 14
- Uploaded updated interactive and printable PDF version of the manual on the main page.
Completed by Shareen Mann
2021, December Content Changes
2021, December 7
- Corrected the link to the Food Purchase Request form's QRG on the Food Purchase Regulations page.
Completed by Shareen Mann
2021, September 15
- Added the US Bank Access Online instructions to the P-Card page.
Completed by Shareen Mann
2021, August 5
- Confirmed multiple updated roles and corrected links on Appendix A.
- Added Update and Feedback information to the Introduction, Appendix A, and Appendix B.
2021, July 29
- Removed Fee Pay from Fundraising Online
- Confirmed update to the Accounts Payable Manager on Appendix A.
- Removed Accounting & Systems Technician link from Recording Revnue in Activity Tracker
Completed by Shareen Mann
Date unknown
- Removed the Accounting & Systems Technician and updated the accounts payable manager, business office management assistant, and facilities department assistant, legal counsel, and erroneous grants general email on Appendix A.
Changes made by ???
2021, July 14
- Updated P-Cards to include the new Schoology access code
Change made by Shareen Mann
2021, June 23
- Updated Applying for a Grant process to include corrected link for the Grants Process Overview.
Change made by Shareen Mann
2021, February 10
- Updated Fundraising Online process regarding tax deductable gifts for unrecommended sites.
Change made by Shareen Mann
2021, January 13
- Updated link for IC vs EE Determination form on the Contract Preparation Checklist and the Consultant Versus Employee page
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2020, December 29
- Fixed a broken link for Requisition Guidelines on the Purchase Requisition for Services page
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2020, August 14
- Edited the Purchase Payment Quick Guide to clarify software purchase process
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2020, August 12
- Edited the Grant Standard Work and Grant Manager Best Practices to include liability insurance requirements.
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2020, August 11
- Edited the Grant Management Checklist to include liability insurance requirements.
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2020, August 10
- Edited the Contract Administration Best Practices, Contract Monitoring Checklist, Monitoring Contracts, and Work Plan to include liability insurance requirements.
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2020, March Content Changes
2020, February 6
- Edited the Grant Preparation/Application Checklist, Applying for a Grant, and manual contacts pages to reflect a title change in grants staff.
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2020, February 5
- Edited the Purchase Payment Quick Guide to reflect change in textbook purchases.
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2020, January 29
- Edited Employee FAQ on Business Travel and Travel Reimbursement to update content.
- Corrected dollar amounts on the Board Agenda Item, Purchase Requisition for Supplies and Equipment, Request for Proposal Checklist, and Request for Proposal pages
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2020, January 14
- Edited Travel Reimbursement Rules to reflect changes to the P-Card program.
- Edited P-Card to remove references to travel cards and reflect changes to P-Card training.
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, January 8
- Edited Mileage Reimbursement to clarify what mileage qualifies for reimbursement. Commuting from home to work does not qualify.
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, December 5
- Edited Travel Basics to improve clarity on the Travel Authorization Request form's required signatures
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, December 4
- Added mileage reimbursement eForm instructions to the Documents section of the Document Warehouse
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, November 26
- Updates to Mileage Reimburesement and the Report Mileage instructions attachment for improved clarity of steps
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, November Content Changes
2019, November 8
- Revised Interactive and Printable PDF edition of manual was posted to the introduction page; this includes all prior changes noted in this log
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, November 7
- Updated the board policy link on Petty Cash
- Updated board policy, grant opportunities, grant planning links on Accepting a Grant Award, Applying for a Grant, Board Agenda Item, Contracts and Contractors, Contract Modification, and Grant Preparation/Application pages
- Changes to Mileage Reimbursement to improve user experience
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, November 4
- Updated the sweatshop policy link in the Purchase Requisition for Supplies and Equipment
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, November 1
- Updated Mileage Reimbursement to reflect the new eForm process
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, September 10
- Updated the Contract Preparation Checklist and the Contract Monitoring Checklist, to match the new eRFP process
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, September 3
- Changed the name of Gifts to Programs and Schools to Accepting Gifts to Programs and Schools
- Updated alpha order in the sidebar of the procedure manual and the section 8 table of contents
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, August 6
- Updated URLs for six grant-related attachments. Pages impacted include Applying for a Grant, Establishing New Budget, Grant Preparation and Application Checklist, Time and Effort, and the Document Warehouse
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, July Content Changes
2019, July 21
- Revised Interactive and Printable PDF edition of manual was posted to the introduction page
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, July 19
- To reflect changes in contracting with the implementation of eRFP, several pages have been updated: Contracts and Contractors, Consultant Versus Employee (formerly Independent Contractor Verusus Employee) and updated link text to the new name, Hiring Independent Contractors, and Contract Modification and Amendment
- Updated the document warehouse link to the Contract Signature Authority Matrix
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, July 16
- To reflect changes in contracting with the implementation of eRFP, several pages have been updated: Contracts and Contractors, Consultant Versus Employee (formerly Independent Contractor Verusus Employee) and updated link text to the new name
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, May Content Changes
2019, May 31
- Revised Interactive and Printable PDF edition of manual was posted to the introduction page
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, May 28
- Redirected all QRG links to point to the PeopleSoft QRG page. Impacted pages include Accepting a Grant Award, Activity Report, Contract Modification and Amendment, Guideline Report, Inventory and Reconciliation, Purchase Requisition for Services, Purchase Requisition for Supplies and Equipment, Staffing Grant Projects, Time & Effort, Transfer and Disposal, and Voucher
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, April 29
- Corrected the Receipts to Deposit link on the Document Warehouse, Preparing Deposit for Bank, and the Receiving Cash or Checks on Behalf of SPPS pages
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, April 10
- Updated book limitations on P-Card and Purchase Requisition for Supplies and Equipment pages
- Updated the Blank Contract for Consultant and Contract Signature Authority Matrix attachments for download in various places on the site
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, March 21
- Updated contacts for media, payroll and accounting technician
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, March 19
- Added example gift BAIs from past board meetings to the BAI page
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, March 14
- Updated multiple attachments for improved accessibility; in some cases this resulted in brief disrupiton to hyperlink function
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, March 12
- Updated link to Field Trip Transportation Request Form - now a Google form
- Updated heading coding to multiple pages for screen reader accessibility
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, March 6
- Added link descriptions to many pages to improve accessibility for screen readers
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, March 5
- Added a visual version of the Types of Travel section of Travel Basics as a PDF attachment
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, February 25
- Update P-Card documentation required and references to the Purchasing office P-Card page
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, February 5
- Update Family Transportation to Title I Events to include Metro Transit and district buses, updated taxi ordering process, updated cab log, and updated links
- Minor update to Purchase Requisition for Supplies and Equipment to include tips for updating budget code
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, January 24
- Update P-Card acceptable and unacceptable purchase lists
Changes made by Shareen Mann
2019, January Content Changes
2019, January 11-22
- All manual attachments were revised for improved accessibility. This resulted in revision to hyperlinks in both the PDF and web-based versions of the manual
- Broken links in the Common Audit Findings Quick Guide were discovered and repaired
Changes were made by Shareen Mann