Request for Proposal Checklist
Request for Proposal Checklist
Remember, the entire process can take 4 weeks to 3+ months.
- Bullets are informational _____ Blanks are tasks to be completed
_____ Develop Content
Work with purchasing to create:
_____ Statement of work
_____ Evaluation criteria
_____ Any special terms and conditions
_____ Other attachments from the Purchasing Office
_____ Estimate Total Cost
_____ Advertise for two weeks if greater than $175,000
_____ Determine Timeline
Full process can take 4 weeks to 3+ months.
- Posting time varies according to cost
- Evaluation time varies
- Some require board approval
- Contracts take 1-6 weeks to execute
_____ Finalize
- Work with Purchasing Office
_____ Recommend Vendors
- Share appropriate vendors with purchasing
- Notice will be sent to vendor when solicitation is published
_____ Develop Selection Team
_____ Minimum of three people
- SPPS staff (preferred)
- Parents, community business leaders, other stakeholders (permitted)
_____ Evaluate received offers
_____ Pre-proposal Conference (if needed)
_____ Respond to Questions
- Purchasing accepts vendor questions and protests
- In writing or over phone
_____ Addendum to RFP, if needed
_____ Evaluate Proposals
- Purchasing must review for minimum requirements
- Chair the evaluation team
_____ Individually evaluate proposals
_____ Meet to determine consensus
_____ Recommendation
_____ Forward memorandum to purchasing manager
- Evaluation scores for all proposals
- Strengths, weaknesses, noncompliance
_____ Submit for Board of Education approval
_____ Notify Proposers
- Handled by purchasing
_____ Negotiation
_____ Develop and generate contract with purchasing
_____ Monitor Performance
_____ Work with purchasing on problems or conflicts
_____ Participate in Renewal
_____ If necessary
See Request for Proposal procedure for full details and steps.