Gift Cards
Gift Cards
The purchase of gift cards is not recommended.
- Gift cards to students, parents and volunteers require superintendent prior approval
- Gift cards may not be purchased for employees as an incentive or in return for services
- Gift cards may not be purchased for classroom or student use with general fund dollars, including intra-school funds
- Gift cards purchased for classroom or student use as specifically approved by a grant or donation will be allowed, with the caution that the following requirements must be met:
- Approval shall be in writing as part of the grant or donation documents
- Payment documentation must include what was purchased with the gift card
Why This Is Important
- It’s the law (see Internal Revenue law)
- Purchasing of gift cards for employees with public funds constitutes an unlawful gratuity and is a violation of collective bargaining
- The value of a gift card is taxable as income to the employee
- A gift card receipt is not proper documentation unless it includes information on what was purchased with the gift card