Procedure to Make New Procedures
Procedure to Make New Procedures
Who Completes This Task: All Employees
Staff deserve a method to improve the systems they function in, as well as the support of senior administrators to make improvements. Staff also deserve to know how and when a change in procedure will impact them, to have input into the process, and to prepare for the change in a thoughtful manner. During the review part of this process, the chief financial officer (CFO) will determine if a procedure is sufficient, or if a board-approved policy is required.
Steps – Proposal
Any employee can propose a new or revised procedure
- Use any format that makes sense
- Submit via email to
Steps – Review
Proposal is forwarded to a committee appointed by the CFO for review
- May be simple or in-depth depending on the scope of the procedure
- Proposals are evaluated based on:
- Need for procedure
- Impact to students
- Impact to staff
- Improving efficiency in operations
- Unique circumstances
- The committee responds upon receipt and updates monthly if review is extensive
- CFO provides guidance by email to the submitter and the committee
Steps – Development
- A lead person is identified to develop the full procedure
- A team from business, schools, and departments develops the procedure
- Must include
- Why the procedure is needed
- Who will be impacted
- Procedure details
- Training and support necessary for successful implementation
- Forms, worksheets, checklists, or documentation protocols should be included
Steps – Recommendation
- Procedure development leader submits the final recommendation to the CFO
- The CFO may
- Recommend implementation
- Recommend escalation (to the chiefs, cabinet, or superintendent)
- Refer it back to the committee for changes
Steps – Adoption
- The final draft is adopted as an SPPS procedure with a definite implementation date
- Forms and worksheets are prepared and available
- The new procedure is broadly and clearly communicated to staff
- A key point of contact is identified for questions, comments and suggestions
- Any necessary training is done (classroom, webinar, instruction guides, etc.)
Steps – Implementation
- On the implementation date, the new procedure will be the only procedure used in SPPS
- The key point of contact will be available to support staff with training and coaching
- Failure of staff to adopt the new procedure may result in
- Additional training
- Additional supports
- Disciplinary action
- A period of adjustment is expected
Steps – Evaluation
- New procedures must be evaluated for their impact on operations, staff and students
- Unintended consequences, bugs, and general hiccups identified during implementation are reported to the point of contact for evaluation
- Further work on the procedure may be necessary
- Clarification of duties
- Change in training
- A procedure that works for everyone will be kept
- A procedure will not be kept simply because a lot of time and work went into it
Why This Is Important
- The people who regularly complete a process have useful insight for improvement
- Using standardized procedures ensures uniformity of the end result
- Creation of procedures without oversight can result in multiple conflicting instructions for the same task, and increases the chance that important steps may be missed