Preparing Deposit for Bank
Preparing Deposit for Bank
Who Completes This Task: Bursar or Business Office
Deposits should be prepared on at least a weekly basis.
- Money in any form has been received by the program or school
- Open a secure deposit bag received from teachers or schools
- Count the funds in the bag and compare to the enclosed Receipts to Deposit form
- When possible, this should be done by two people
- Notify the submitter of any differences
- Complete the Receipts to Deposit form
- Scan and email form to the submitter
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all security deposit bags have been opened and counted
- Combine all of the like items together (checks, currency and coin)
- In many cases, checks go to 360 Colborne
- Endorse all checks
- Complete the deposit slip provided by the Business Office
- Run an adding machine tape if checks are not individually listed
- Scan the checks, deposit slip and the Receipts to Deposit forms as a pdf
- File name format should be the school number followed by the date (mmddyy) of the deposit (eg: 410 081216.pdf)
- Place the deposit slip and funds in a security deposit bag
- Completing the required information on the bag and seal the bag
- It is advised that the bag be initialed by both people who counted the funds
- Bring the deposit bag with cash and coin to the Nutrition Services employee responsible for securing deposits
- Proceed to Recording Revenue in Activity Tracker process
Documentation Required
- PDF of scanned checks, deposit slip and Receipts to Deposit forms
Why This Is Important
- It’s the law (see 2 CFR 200.302-303)
- Prevents loss or theft
- Prevents appearance of impropriety
Related Topics
Receiving Cash or Checks on Behalf of SPPS