Receiving Cash or Checks on Behalf of SPPS
Receiving Cash or Checks on Behalf of SPPS
Who Completes This Task: All Employees Who Receive Money on Behalf of SPPS
When a program or school receives money, it must be handled in a way that prevents loss or the appearance of impropriety.
- Staff person receives cash or check
- Do not use cash received to pay for anything; all cash must be deposited
- All funds should be deposited in the same form received
- Checks can only be cashed by the organization or entity they are written out to
- Keep cash and checks secure
- A desk drawer (locked or unlocked) is not secure
- If a large amount of coin is received, two staff bring it to US Bank with a deposit slip
- Both staff sign the deposit slip
- Complete a Receipts to 360 Colborne Form
- Send form and bank receipt to Accounts Receivable (AR)
- If checks are returned to the site with a Bad Check Notification form, the site should attempt to collect the check amount plus any bank service charges
Steps - Gifts or Donations
- Verify gift vs grant
- Bring funds to the clerk
- Review the gift policy
- Complete the Gift Acceptance Form
- Send to AR
- Clerk ensures a thank you note is sent to donor
Steps - Funds From a Company or Organization
- Complete the Receipts to 360 Colborne Form
- Deliver form, funds and documentation to AR
Steps - Funds From Students or Families (in a School Setting)
- Keep a personal log of funds received
- Use any format that works
- Must be saved until the deposit is fully handled by AR
- Daily, count the funds received and fill out a Receipts to Deposit Form
- Scan or make a copy of the Receipts to 360 Colborne Form for your records
- Original form goes with funds in a security bag
- Bring the sealed security bag to the assigned location at your site
Steps - All Other Money Received
- Contact AR if you receive funds that don’t match the sources above
See the Receiving Cash or Checks Flowchart for a visual representation of this process
Documentation Required
- Bank receipt if a large amount of coin was received and deposited
- Gift acceptance form, if needed
- Personal log
- Retain until the deposit is recorded in the general ledger
- Receipts to 360 Colborne form, if used
- Receipts to Deposit form, if used
Why This is Important
- Federal law requires financial management systems and internal controls (see 2 CFR 200.302-303)
- Minnesota law requires the use of UFARS (see Statutes 123B.77)
- Prevent loss or theft
- Prevents appearance of impropriety
Forms and Documents
Receipts to Deposit Form - digital
Receipts to Deposit Form - paper
Receiving Cash or Checks Flowchart