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Reconciling Athletic Ticket Sales Reports

Reconciling Athletic Ticket Sales Reports

Who Completes This Task: Athletic Director


Athletic ticket sales reports need to be reconciled with deposits in the general ledger on a monthly basis.


  • Gate charges for athletic events have been collected


  1. Get the Athletic Ticket Sales Report from the district athletic administrative clerk
  2. Enter beginning and ending ticket numbers for students and adults from the report  
    1. The spreadsheet calculates tickets sold and the receipts by category
    2. The spreadsheet will calculate total receipts for event
  3. Enter events chronologically
  4. Compare ending ticket number with beginning ticket number for the next event
    1. Contact athletic director/athletic secretary regarding gaps in ticket numbers
    2. Document resolution
  5. Compare total receipts on the ticket report to the spreadsheet and note any discrepancies
  6. Generate Financial Activity Report from PeopleSoft for the school and time period for account 5060
  7. Per description on the Financial Activity Report, enter deposit number and receipts in the general ledger to the corresponding athletic event into the appropriate column in the spreadsheet
  8. Compare total per event and total gate receipts in account 5060
    1. If amounts do not agree, discuss with athletic director/athletic secretary for resolution
  9. Forward to Business Office staff assigned to your school.

Why This is Important

  • Federal law requires financial management systems and internal controls (see 2 CFR 200.302-303)
  • Minnesota law requires the use of UFARS (see Statutes 123B.77)
  • Prevent loss or theft
  • Prevents appearance of impropriety

Related Topics

Recording Revenue in Activity Tracker