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Purchase Requisition for Services

Purchase Requisition for Services

Who Completes This Task: Clerk with direction from an Administrator

Timeframe: Before work begins, takes about one week


When purchase orders are issued, accounts with vendors are established in the name of the district. These accounts are the responsibility of the district. Vendors are instructed to send invoices directly to Accounts Payable, so do not wait for the invoice to start this process.

Completing a purchase requisition does not guarantee the purchase will be approved. All paperwork must be complete before any work is performed by a vendor or consultant. Failure to follow these steps could result in the individual hiring the contractor being held personally liable for expenses.


  • The total cost for services will be greater than $3,500 for schools/$5,000 for departments
  • Or the item is listed as an exception on the Requisition Guidelines 

Note: If you do not have an eRFP login, please contact the Purchasing Manager.

Purchase Requisition Steps

  1. If the purchase will cost more than $25,000, contact the Purchasing Office
  2. Submit the purchase requisition electronically using eRFP
  3. Attachments should be uploaded to the requisition
    1. Contract
    2. Statement of Work
    3. Bid or quote
    4. W-9
  4. Approval will be sought by all levels in the approver list
    1. Monitor the process to prevent delays if this is time sensitive
  5. Upon approval a PeopleSoft purchase order will be issued
  6. Contract documents will be routed for signatures
  7. Vendor copy will be sent to person who submitted the requisition, or to the consultant
    1. Consultants should reference the purchase order number on all invoices
  8. When services are received, document in eProcurement  against the purchase order
    1. If a partial payment is made, accept only the portion of the goods/services covered by the payment

Documentation Required

  • Contracts
  • Any documents that would help the Purchasing Office process the request

Why This Is Important

  • It’s the law (see 2 CFR 200.318-326)
  • Timely payment of services, prevention of unnecessary service charges

eRFP Resources

Related Topics

Contracts and Contractors


Purchase Account Code Quick Guide

Purchase Payment Quick Guide

Sole-Source Purchase


PeopleSoft Quick Reference Guides

Purchase Requisition Overview

Enter a Requisition - 1. Define

Enter a Requisition - 2. Add Items

Enter a Requisition - Review and Submit

Enter a Requisition - Copy a Requisition

Enter a Requisition - Create Favorites

Enter a Requisition - Link a Procurement Contract

Enter a Receipt