Sole-Source or Noncompetitive Purchase
Sole-Source or Noncompetitive Purchase
Who Completes This Task: Administrator
A sole-source purchase involves buying something with noncompetitive proposals, or solicitation of a proposal from only one source. Artificially restricting competition through unreasonably specific or unnecessary requirements is not permitted. User preference is also not an acceptable reason for making a sole-source purchase. A sole-source purchase/contract is rare. The preferred method to confirm a purchase/contract is being made with a sole source is a formal solicitation process (Request for Bid or Request for Proposal) to remove all doubt.
- A sole-source proposal is acceptable if any of the following are met:
- The item is available only from a single source
- There is a public emergency or need that will not permit a delay
- Burst pipes
- Electrical outages
- Building collapse or imminent collapse
- Issues that threaten public safety
- The awarding agency authorizes noncompetitive proposals in response to request
- After solicitation of a number of sources, competition is determined to be inadequate
- Complete the Sole-Source Justification Form and the Sole-Source Posting Form
- Attach to requisition in PS or contract in eRFP
- The Purchasing Manager will review submitted documents to determine allowability
- Purchasing will post notice of sole source for a minimum of two consecutive weeks
- If concern is raised by vendors, the formal solicitation process will be required
- If no concern is raised, the sole source will be considered valid and proceed with approval process.
Documentation Required
- Sole-source purchases require:
- Completed sole-source justification form
- The reason for using a noncompetitive proposal including:
- Uniqueness of services sought
- Lack of available providers
- Experience of the selected vendor
- Screen captures and search terms from online searches
Why This Is Important
- It’s the law (see 2 CFR 200.319-320)
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