Family Transportation to Title I Events
Family Transportation to Title I Events
Who Completes This Task: Authorized Site Staff
Transportation may be provided for families to and from school related activities such as conferences, meetings, and parent involvement events. The goal is to remove a barrier that could prevent parents/guardians from participation in the academic life of their student(s). This transportation may be via Metro Transit, taxi, or district school bus. This transportation is not for use on field trips, regular school transportation, or appointments out of school.
Note: For family transportation to a non-Title I event, contact the Office of Family Engagement and Community Partnerships.
- Event is allowable
- Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Family Nights
- IEP Meetings
- Site Council
- Parent Meetings
- Open House
- School Event
- No other form of transportation is available
Steps - Ordering Transportation - Metro Transit or District Bus
Prior approval is required, and may be obtiained by submitting a Title I Order Form.
- Following approval, order tokens or bus through Transportation
- For Metro Transit transportation, a Bus Token Log must be submitted with the request
Steps - Ordering Transportation - Taxi
Taxi is the last resort and should be used when no other transportation options are available. Arrange taxi service well in advance to ensure availability. Only the principal and up to two site personnel will be given account numbers. These should never be shared with anyone else. Completing the cab log is an essential step in this process.
- Schedule the taxi in advance by contacting
- For short notice taxi transportation contact Green/White/Suburban taxi directly at: 651-646-7680
- Provide the following information when ordering:
- SPPS Title I account number
- Personal authorization ID
- Pick-up and drop off address
- Pick-up time and date
- Return time (specify the return pick up time, or note that you will call the company when the passenger is ready to leave
- If a taxi is arranged, but is no longer needed, the school must cancel it
- There is a charge to the school for an unused taxi
- Provide families with contact information should any problems arise
Steps – Cab Log
Each pickup and return taxi use must be promptly recorded in the cab log. Each ride must be a separate entry.
- Enter your e-mail address
- Select the school
- Enter the site code
- Enter the parent or guardian's first name
- Enter the parent or guardian's last name
- Ester the student's name
- Enter the pick-up date
- Enter the pick-up time
- Note whether it was a one way or round-trip event
- Choose the event transportation was needed for
- Choose the cab company
- Enter the pick-up address
- Enter the destination address
- Click Next when done
Documentation Required
- Completed cab log
- Completed bus token log
- Prior approval
Why This Is Important
- It’s the law (see 2 CFR 200.403-406, 2 CFR 200.421-475)
- Title I pulls the reports on the first day of the month. Undocumented taxi events are the responsibility of the school