Field Trips/Student Admission Fees
Who Completes This Task: Clerk
Timeframe: At least two weeks in advance
- Field trip with an associated admission fee for students and attendees
- Field trip that requires transportation
Steps - Admission Fee
A field trip requires an admission fee for students (eg: zoo, Valleyfair, Ordway):
- Check with the vendor on group rates
- Check with the vendor to see if they will bill the school district
- If vendor supplies a bill, enter a voucher for payment
- If additional funds are needed after taking a final count, use P-Card for the remainder
Use account code 6369 for field trip admissions and fees.
Steps - Transportation
Transportation of students, staff or participants must use vehicles owned or arranged by the Transportation Department. Keep transportation costs separate from admission costs.
- Submit your Field Trip request into busHive at least 2 weeks in advance, including complete trip details. If your school does not have access to busHive, contact Transportation.
- Budget number and administrator
- Trip date
- Departure time (when the bus is to arrive for pick up)
- Return time (when the bus is to arrive for return trip pick up)
- Pick up location with specific loading point
- Destination address
- Name of group (eg: grade 3, Ms Chang’s class, etc)
- Name of person in charge of trip
- The number of students attending
- The number of adults attending
- Any special equipment needs (eg: wheel chair bus, safety vest anchors, trailer)
- Include quantities needed for all special equipment
- Transportation will send a confirmation within two school days of receiving order
- Please review details for errors
Use accounting code 6360 for field trip transportation, with a finance code other than 733.
Why This Is Important
- It’s the law (see 2 CFR 200.403-406, 2 CFR 200.421-475)
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