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Travel Frequently Asked Questions

Employee FAQ on Business Travel and Travel Reimbursement


Are fees due to changes in departure or return reimbursed?

No.  Fees incurred due to changed departure or return dates for personal reasons are not reimbursed.

Is transportation at destination to restaurants & entertainment sites reimbursed?

No, transportation at destination by taxi or public transit to/from the hotel and restaurants or entertainment sites is not reimbursed.

Is ground transportation at destination to/from airport and to/from event location reimbursed?

Yes, ground transportation at destination (by taxi, shuttle bus, hotel courtesy van or public transit) to/from the airport and to/from the event location is reimbursed. Tips may not exceed 15% of cost. Employees traveling to the same destination should share ground transportation whenever possible.  Note all names on ground transportation receipts when it is shared.

Is airport parking reimbursed?

Yes, airport parking expense is reimbursed based on the amount of the parking charges or the taxi fare from employee's home to airport, whichever is less.

How do I report my mileage reimbursement?

See the Mileage Reimbursement process.

Is round-trip transportation to air terminals from traveler's home or work location reimbursed?

Yes, round-trip transportation to Lindbergh or Humphrey air terminals from traveler’s home or work location is reimbursed.  Receipts are required for all fares regardless of cost.

Is travel in private-owned aircraft reimbursed?

No, travel in employee-owned aircraft or other aircraft piloted by an employee or other private party is not reimbursed.

Are excess baggage fees reimbursed?

Yes, expense for excess baggage is reimbursed if required equipment, books, reports, etc cause the traveler to exceed the normal baggage limitations. Itemize on Travel Expense Report and include explanation of the excess baggage.

Is an airline ticket reimbursed?

Yes, round-trip transportation at coach rate on commercial airlines is reimbursed.

The ticket or trip itinerary showing ticket price, destinations, travel dates and times is considered the receipt. The traveler should attempt to book air transportation to ensure the lowest rate. Late requests which result in failure to secure the lowest possible fare may result in disapproval of the travel authorization request. If changes to the flight itinerary result in additional expenses, indicate the additional expense on the Travel Expense Report with an explanation of why the change was necessary.  Traveler must return on the next available flight after the conference ends.

NOTE: First class or business class seats are not reimbursed.  Only coach class seats are allowed.

Is a train ticket reimbursed?

Yes, a traveler taking a train to location of business event is reimbursed.

NOTE: Reimbursement is based on the cost of the train ticket or round-trip coach airfare, whichever is less.

Is a rental car reimbursed?

No, unless pre-approved, a rental car driven to location of event or at destination (if traveling by air) is not reimbursed.

NOTE: Rental car must be pre-approved in writing by the Superintendent or Senior Staff prior to traveling or traveler will not be reimbursed.

Is the use of private vehicle reimbursed?

Yes, for a traveler driving their own vehicle to location of business event is reimbursed.

Cost of repairs to or insurance expense for a personal vehicle, even if related to travel, will not be reimbursed.

NOTE: Reimbursement is based on the board approved per mile rate or comparable coach airfare, whichever is less. Written quotes should be obtained at first knowledge of trip and submitted with Travel Expense Report.  Parking expenses incurred at the final destination place of lodging will also be reimbursed


Are meals reimbursed?

Yes.  Meals are reimbursed following the MN State Commissioner's Plan including tax and gratuity up to 15%.  The meal rate for the location of the event will be emailed to the traveler with their authorization number. Employees at their discretion may claim less than a full per diem.

Meal expenses incurred en route to destination will not be reimbursed.  

NOTE: The purchase of alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed.  The meal rate will also be adjusted by meals provided at the event.  All meal receipts are required when traveling.  Meals will be reimbursed based on the per diem rate. Do not use P-Card for meal purchases!

Is lodging reimbursed?

Yes, hotel rooms at the single room rate, unless two employees are sharing a room, are reimbursed. Indicate on travel expense report the employee’s name who shared the room.  Each person in the group uses their own P-Card to pay for hotel room.  Do not use P-Card to pay for anyone else's room, even if they are a district employee.

Lodging expenses incurred en route to destination will not be reimbursed.  

NOTE: Failing to cancel hotel room due to cancelation of the trip will not be reimbursed.  If the hotel room has been charged to the district, the employee will have to reimburse SPPS.

NOTE: The cost of a non-employee sharing a room with the traveler is not reimbursed.


Are additional expenses related to personal travel reimbursed?

No. Any additional expenses incurred as a result of personal travel, including, but not limited to, extra hotel nights, additional stopovers, meals or transportation, are the sole responsibility of the traveler.  The traveler is responsible for any additional lodging and meals as a result of extending their trip.  

Expenses not listed in the Travel Reimbursement Rules are not reimbursable. 

SPPS is not responsible for any expenses incurred after the day and time the conference ended.

Expenses associated with travel of an individual’s spouse, family or friends is not reimbursed.

Are materials purchased at events the property of SPPS?

Yes, materials purchased at workshops or conferences that are needed for participation in the event or activities become property of SPPS.

Is internet service reimbursed?

Yes, internet service in hotel room for district-related purposes is reimbursed.  Traveler must use free internet service provided in hotel's business center for personal use.

Are phone and fax charges reimbursed?

Yes, reasonable district-related phone and fax charges due to absence of traveler from work location are reimbursed. Itemize who was called or faxed on the travel expense report.

Note: Personal phone calls are not reimbursed.


What special details are there for travel outside the United States?

If your travel is outside the United States, you must include a daily currency exchange for all of your receipts and the receipts must be translated into English so that a record exists of what was purchased.

Are travel expenses reimbursed if the employee terminates employment with SPPS?

No.  Arranging for travel then terminating employment with SPPS will require the traveler to reimburse the SPPS for any expenses incurred.

Are travel expenses reimbursed if they are later canceled for personal reasons?

No.  Arranging for travel then canceling travel for personal reasons will require the employee to reimburse SPPS for any expenses incurred.

Last Modified on January 29, 2020