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Travel Reimbursement Rules

Travel Reimbursement Rules


There are very specific procedures for reimbursement of travel expenses. Failure to follow these can result in expenses not being reimbursed.

Itemized receipts are required unless specifically noted. In the event that an original receipt cannot be obtained, a copy must be attached, and a reasonable explanation must be provided for why the original is not available.

Generic receipts (receipts without a preprinted or stamped conference/hotel/vendor name) are not acceptable proof of payment. If a generic receipt is the only receipt available, one of the following will also be required:

  1. Copy of canceled check (front and back)
  2. Duplicate check and bank statement (unrelated information may be blocked out)
  3. Credit card statement (unrelated information may be blocked out)

Some online travel services do not automatically provide itemized receipts showing the separate charges for hotel, air fare, ground transportation, etc. You will need to contact the company and request an itemized receipt to ensure all your expenses are reimbursed properly.

See the Travel Frequently Asked Questions  for specifics and further details.

Why This Is Important

  • Misuse of a P-Card can result in the employee personally covering costs incurred
  • Insufficient documentation of expenses can result in them not being reimbursed

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Mileage Reimbursement


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