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Purchase of Metro Transit Cards/Tokens

Purchase of Metro Transit Cards/Tokens


Schools and programs may purchase Metro Transit cards or tokens with school or program funds for unique transportation purposes. The purchase should go through the SPPS Transportation Office. However, under urgent circumstances, bus tokens may be purchased directly from Metro Transit in the Saint Paul downtown skyway at 101 East 5th Street or in Minneapolis at 560 6th Avenue North.


  • Students going home after after-school activities


  1. Contact the transportation clerk to order bus cards or tokens
    1. Ride cards and tokens are available upon request
    2. Extremely large orders may take several business days to fulfill
  2. The school or program budget code will be needed when the order is placed
    1. Use account code 6360 for student transportation
    2. Use account code 6366 for adult transportation
  3. The Transportation Office can assist in determining the ideal mix of ride cards or tokens
    1. A student ride card with ten rides for $20.50
    2. Bus tokens and single ride cards at a cost $2.00 each
  4. The order can be picked up at the Transportation Office
    1. A receipt will be issued at pick up
  5. The Transportation Office has forms available for tracking fares issued to students
  6. Schools and programs receive a monthly Metro Transit Ride Card/Token Expense Report

Documentation Required

  • Receipt from Transportation Office

Why This Is Important

  • To keep a record of who has received tokens
  • To ensure payment of tokens
  • Good stewardship of public funds to procure goods or services required by the district