Who Completes This Task: Any Staff Authorized by a Budget Administrator
Vouchers are used to pay for goods or services that aren’t purchased through a P-Card or the purchase requisition process. Vouchers are found in the finance section of PeopleSoft.
- Fees for services that total less than $3,500 for schools/$5,000 for departments
- Contractual professional growth expenses that total less than $1,000
- Interpreter services through a company, not individuals, regardless of cost
- Child care services through a company, not individuals, regardless of cost
- Cell phone and pager monthly service costs
- Catering services outside the Food Service department, that total less than $3,500 for schools/$5,000 for departments, see Food Purchase Regulations for complete information
- Payment is due to a contractor
- Log in to the Finance side of PeopleSoft
- Navigation Finance: Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry
- When the materials arrive, inspect and determine that they are in good order
- If materials are not satisfactory, and the school/department wants to return them, contact the vendor and request permission
- Many vendors use a different address for returns
- When returning items, inform Accounts Payable and the Purchasing Office
Why This Is Important
- It’s the law (see CFR 200.320a, CFR 200.67)
- Expedite the completion of small purchases while minimizing burden and cost
- Ensure timely payment of SPPS purchases to prevent additional fees
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