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Portable and Attractive Supplies

Portable and Attractive Supplies

Who Completes This Task: Clerks as directed by Administrators


All items classified as portable and attractive supplies are subject to SPPS property control procedures. An item is portable and attractive if it is readily stolen and lost due to its portable nature and attractiveness for personal use or resale.

Items that seem portable and attractive but do not meet the formal definition, may be marked with a red “Property of St. Paul Public Schools” sticker, gotten from the Business Office management assistant.


Portable and attractive supplies meet any of the following:

  • Acquisition cost between $1,000 - $4,999 per item or assembly
  • Federally funded acquisition costing $250 - $4,999 per item or assembly
  • Computers (desktop, laptop and tablet)
  • Printers
  • LCD projectors
  • Power tools
  • Cameras
  • Small appliances (mini-fridge, lab gear, Family and Consumer Sciences appliances)

Steps - To Purchase

  1. Use the Purchase Requisition process
    1. Code the item
      • Use account code 6402 for non-instructional items
      • Use account code 6432 for instructional items
  2. When item arrives, inspect and determine it is in good order
    1. Return defective, damaged or incorrect materials
  3. Once an item has been determined in good order, apply an property control tag and record it in PeopleSoft
    1. If it was purchased through a grant, it must also have a white “GRANT!” sticker
    2. Inventory tags and grant stickers are available from the grants management coordinator or the Business Office management assistant.
  4. Item may now be put into use

Steps - Loan

A computer or other portable and attractive supply may be loaned to someone for the course of a project.

  • Employee must complete a Computer or Pilferable Item Check Out form
  • The form should be saved by the person responsible for inventory at the site
  • If the item is not returned, the employee is responsible for replacement cost
    • The clerk will request an invoice be sent to the employee who checked out the item

Documentation Required

  • All purchases require:
    • Detailed receipts
  • Federally funded purchases up to $3,500 are considered micro-purchases and have special requirements
  • Federally funded purchases by noncompetitive process are sole-source purchases and have special requirements