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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
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Purchase Requisition for Supplies and Equipment

Purchase Requisition for Supplies and Equipment

Who Completes This Task: Administrative Support Staff, Budget Administrators, or Clerks


When purchase orders are issued, accounts with vendors are established in the name of the district. The integrity of these accounts is the responsibility of the district. Vendors are instructed to send invoices directly to Accounts Payable, so do not wait for the invoice to start this process.


A purchase requisition is required for any of the following:

  • Purchases totaling $3,500 or more for schools/$5,000 or more for departments
  • Any hard-wired items
  • Any item purchased with E-Rate funding
  • Any items that will be connected to the district’s network
    • Computers (notebooks, tablets etc)
    • Printers
    • Switches, routers, etc.
    • Tablets (including iPads, Kindles, Nooks, and book readers)
  • Anything that is screwed or nailed, or otherwise attached to surfaces
  • Clothing items and athletic gear must follow the district’s Sweatshop Policy
  • Computer software
  • Construction
  • Major appliances (may need special power, venting requirements etc)
  • Portable and Attractive items, follow the flowchart
  • All book orders totaling $1,000 or more

Board approval is needed for:

  • Purchases of $175,000 or more
    • Splitting orders of like items to circumvent the fee restriction violates state statute
    • Plan ahead; this process typically takes 30-60 days to complete

Special considerations:

  • Title I orders must be approved by Title I prior to ordering, see Title I Handbook
  • If Special Education funds will be used, orders must be approved by Special Education in advance
  • If funds are coming from a grant, it must be an allowable cost
  • All furniture items should go through Facilities

Steps - Board Approval Needed

Follow the Board Agenda Item Procedure

  1. Complete all forms and supporting documentation necessary
  2. Route the documentation to acquire necessary signatures
  3. Submit to the board secretary 11 days before the meeting
  4. Once board approval has been obtained, commence with steps 1-5 below

Steps - Board Approval Not Needed or Already Obtained

Requisitions must be entered prior to any items being ordered or services performed

  1. Submit the purchase requisition electronically using PeopleSoft eProcurement
    1. The budget code will be necessary for approval
    2. If PeopleSoft truncates or modifies the budget code incorrectly, it must be fixed after the item is added to the cart
  2. The requisition is automatically routed to the appropriate accountant
    1. After review, the accountant forwards it to the purchasing manager
    2. It will be routed to the buyer who handles that particular commodity
    3. The buyer determines the method of procurement
    4. The prices and other pertinent information from the vendors will be evaluated
    5. The buyer may forward information to the requesting department, asking for a written evaluation; or the buyer may directly make the award
    6. A purchase order is issued to the vendor
  3. When the materials arrive, inspect and determine that they are in good order
  4. Document receipt of goods in eProcurement
    1. If a partial order is received, document the portion of goods actually received; when the remainder of the order arrives, document this
    2. If an item requires an property control tag, complete the “asset details” section
    3. If it was purchased through a grant, it must also have a white “GRANT!” sticker
  5. If materials are not satisfactory, and the school/department wants to return them, contact the vendor and request permission
    1. The vendor contact name and phone number will be on the purchase order
    2. Many vendors use a different address for returns
    3. When returning items, inform Accounts Payable and the Purchasing Office


  • It’s the law (see 2 CFR 200.302-303)
  • This in an internal control to prevent fraud, waste and abuse
  • Appropriate purchasing practices
  • Timely payment of purchases and prevention of unnecessary service charges


Conflict of Interest

Inventory and Reconciliation

Property Control Tags

Purchase Account Code Quick Guide

Purchase Payment Quick Guide

PeopleSoft Quick Reference Guides

Purchase Requisition Overview

Enter a Requisition - 1. Define

Enter a Requisition - 2. Add Items

Enter a Requisition - Review and Submit

Enter a Requisition - Copy a Requisition

Enter a Requisition - Create Favorites

Enter a Requisition - Link a Procurement Contract

Enter a Receipt