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Accepting a Grant Award

Accepting a Grant Award

Who Completes This Task: Applicant, Grant Manager, Grants Management Coordinator

Timeframe: 1-6 weeks


SPPS has a specific process for proceeding once a grant application has been accepted and funded. While this procedure can be followed without support, it is not advised.


If any of the following are met:


  1. Inform Grants Office the project or proposal has been funded
  2. Submit award documents to the grants management coordinator (GMC), who will
    1. Add to the next board meeting for approval (if not already done)
    2. Get approval and signatures for any grant agreement
    3. Set up budget based on application budget and award documents
    4. Enter proposal and award into PeopleSoft Grants Management
    5. Notify grant manager and staff by email when all steps are complete
      • Copies of all approved and signed documents
      • Budget code and allocations per account
      • Notice of reporting dates
      • Contact information for other questions
  3. Review grant application and award documents to review expectations and requirements
  4. Send a thank you note to the funder
  5. Meet with the grants management coordinator to review steps to start up the project
  6. Establish a work plan based on the grant application
  7. Attend trainings as needed
  8. Attend funder meetings as required
  9. Submit requisitions to Human Relations to hire staff, if needed
  10. Submit requisitions to purchasing for consultants, if needed
  11. Create/convene any advisory committees

Documentation Required

  • Award documents
  • Original application

Why This Is Important

Related Topics

Accepting a Grant Award Checklist

Applying for a Grant

Budget Basics

Budget Code Format Quick Guide

Grant Life Cycle Quick Guide

Grant Management Checklist

Grant Management Standard Work

Grant Preparation/Application Checklist

Modifying a Contract or Budget

Monitoring a Budget

Staffing Grant Projects

PeopleSoft Quick Reference Guides

Create Grant Proposal

Employee Requisition

Grant Manager Transaction Review

Viewing Routed Applicants