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Board Agenda Item

Board Agenda Item

Who Completes This Task: Director-Level Employees


The Board Agenda Item (BAI) process is used to add an item to a St. Paul Board of Education meeting agenda. BAIs are due to the board secretary by the Friday that is 11 days before the board meeting.


  • A BAI is required for:
  • All grants (either before application or before acceptance)
  • All partnerships
  • All joint partnerships
  • All collaborations
  • Gifts over $5,000 or when a cumulative total of $30,000 has been reached
  • Contracts over $175,000
  • Purchases over $175,000
  • Contract changes over $175,000

Initial Steps

If the BAI is for a grant project, the Grants Office can help with this process.

  1. Complete a BAI template using the BAI Template as a guide
    1. BAI Template - General
    2. BAI Template - Grant
  2. Assemble any documentation
  3. Complete the Routing Sheet
    1. The originator is the person submitting the BAI
      • Only director-level employees may submit BAI
      • Report directly to the assistant superintendent or CFO
    2. A reviewer is any person who will be impacted by approval of the item
      • Review of the BAI must occur prior to submission to the administrators
      • School-based grants and activities require review by the principal
      • Department-based grants and activities require review by the budget administrator or department supervisor
      • Contracts, purchase of goods, and sole-source purchases require review by the purchasing manager
  4. The original printed BAI and all documentation is routed to each reviewer
    1. Start early so the board secretary receives it eleven days before the board meeting
  5. The day the original BAI begins to route, email a copy to the board secretary
    1. If they know it is routing, they can watch for it
    2. They can put a placeholder on the agenda until the signed original is received

Basic Schedule of BAI Routing

The BAI needs to be routed to the proper people for review and signature early enough to reach the board secretary on time. The meeting calendar can be viewed on the board website or in Google Calendar.

At least two weeks before board meeting

  • Route the BAI for review and all signatures

11 days before board meeting

  • All signed BAIs should be received by board secretary

8 days before board meeting

  • HR transactions should be received by board secretary

7 days before board meeting

  • BAIs and Human Resources transactions are submitted by board secretary for final review/signatures

5 days before board meeting

  • BAIs are entered into Board Book
  • Book is finalized and sent to board members, cabinet, cabinet support staff, principals, and others requesting a copy

 2 hours before board meeting

  • Updates/corrections will be made if necessary

Why This Is Important

Relevant Documents and Forms

BAI Routing Sheet

BAI Template - General

BAI Template - Grant

Gift BAI Examples