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Who Completes This Task: Evaluator, Grant Manager


Most grants require a significant evaluation component. It's up to SPPS to decide what that plan will be, but there must be a plan. While reports may be due midway through and at the end of a project, evaluation is an on-going process used to inform the project.

The evaluator might not provide a full-time presence on the project, but they are an essential member of the team, not a guest or outsider who is invited in. The role of evaluator is not minor and can not be done on the side. Evaluation involves a specialized skill set, and must be undertaken by a trained professional.

Student participation in research, surveys, and evaluations is regulated.

See Data Collection and Limitations for procedures regarding data collection and analysis.


  • Approved grant has an evaluation requirement
  • Program desires evaluation


  1. Evaluation planning should begin at the same time as program planning
    1. Allows evaluation feedback to inform program function
  2. Meet with the REA director to discuss the project’s needs
  3. An REA staff person will be assigned to the project
  4. The process to contract an external evaluator will be started if needed
    1. REA will help define exactly what an external evaluator is paid to provide
    2. The grant manager will need to complete the contract process
  5. Include the evaluator in the kickoff meeting and any regular project meetings
  6. Data analysis will be conducted by REA or a qualified contractor

Documentation Required

  • Evaluation Plan

Why This Is Important

  • It’s the law (see 34 CFR 98.3-4, 2 CFR 200.308)
  • Allows SPPS to build on past projects and experience
  • Ensures knowledge gained from a program or project can impact all of SPPS

Additional Resources

Related Topics

Data Collection and Limitations

Evaluation Recommendations

Grant Management Checklist

Grant Management Standard Work

Grant Reporting