Grant Reporting
Grant Reporting
Who Completes This Task: Grant Manager
Timeframe: one hour per $10,000 of award (eg: 2.5 hours for a $25,000 grant)
Some private grants do not have a reporting requirement, and some federal grants have quarterly reporting schedules. Most grants fall somewhere in the middle. Grant award documents are often specific about the due date but not the format for required reports. Report forms may accompany the award documents.
The common types of reports funders require include:
- Performance
- Budget/financial
It is considered good form to send the funder a report once each year, even if it is not required.
All formal evaluation reports must be approved by Research, Evaluation & Assessment (REA) prior to submission. These must also be signed by the superintendent, and these need to be started in advance to ensure they reach the funder on time. Informal updates may not need to be signed by the superintendent.
See the Report Signature Quick Guide for more details.
Every six months, compile a semi-annual report. This should be formal and sent to all stakeholders.
Different grants have different reporting frequency and requirements
- See the award document for report due dates, should be in the work plan
- See the award document for details on the kind of report(s) required
- See the award document for any required forms or formatting
Steps - Reports, Papers, and Presentations Requiring Superintendent Signature
Start at least 60 days before the report is due.
- Check the grant notification for reporting specifics
- Email the grants management coordinator (GMC) with date rough draft will be turned in
- Should be no less than three weeks before the due date
- GMC will notify REA
- Write a draft of the report, paper or presentation
- Expect a time commitment of one hour for every $10,000 in the award
- Send the GMC the substantially complete draft
- No less than three weeks before the due date
- GMC will distribute copies as appropriate for review
- REA and GMC feedback will be returned no less than two weeks before the due date
- Revise as needed
- Submit the final report, paper or presentation to GMC
- No less than one week before the due date
- GMC will prepare a summary and will route for district approval
- GMC will return the approved report to the grant manager or it to the funder or (whichever is preferred) on or before the due date
- Submit the approved report
- Some reports will be submitted electronically
- Some reports will be submitted in hard copy
Documentation Required
- A copy of the submitted report must be kept with the official grant records.
Why This Is Important
- It’s the law (see 2 CFR 200.327-329)
- Ensures requirements for use of data are met
- Identification of best practices in data collection, analysis and evaluation
- Identification of potential issues, successes