Offer Process
How to Submit Offers
Each solicitation is posted on our website. If you download documents, you must check the posting prior to the due date to ensure you are informed of any addenda, that need to be addressed by your bid/proposal. Failure to do so may result in a rejection of your offer.
Construction projects and the associated bidding documents, plans & specifications, and drawings are posted and linked to our official printer, ARC Central (4730 Park Glen Rd, St. Louis Park, MN 55416).
Phone: 952/697-8800; Fax: 952/697-8803; Email:
All invitations to bid posted on our website include:
- Date, time and place (electronically in GetAll) the bid is due
- A link to our electronic submission system - GetAll
- General requirements and conditions
- Detailed specifications
- Pre-bid/proposal meetings
- If pre-bid/proposal meetings are part of the process, they may be mandatory
- These are an opportunity discuss the specifications and ask any questions necessary to fully prepare the bid/proposal
Bid/Proposal Basics
- Bids must be delivered according to instructions
- Late bids will not be accepted
- Submissions delivered via email, fax, or in person will not be accepted - only electronic submissions via GetAll are accepted
- Brand names and model numbers may be utilized in the bid specifications as a way of communicating the district's minimal requirements
- This should not prevent the use of alternates, however, all deviations must be stated in the bid document or the bidder will be required to supply the item completely as specified
- All alternates must meet or exceed the specifications
All questions pertaining to bid specifications must be presented in accordance with the bid specifications. Generally, this is via the GetAll system. This ensures that all vendors receive the same information. Purchasing & Contract Services is not responsible for information provided by other departments or contractors.
For construction bids, all questions or requests for plans, specifications or clarification need to be submitted to the A&E firm managing that project.
Offer Evaluation
It is the intent of the SPPS Purchasing & Contract Services Department to obtain the best quality materials at the lowest prices possible, as allowed by Minnesota Statutes Section 123B.52 and Section 16C.28. Soliciation made either use an evaluation rubric or award on the basis of the lowest, responsive, responsible response.
Award Notification
The SPPS Purchasing & Contract Services Department will issue all official award notifications. Award notifications from any other department or staff member of the district may not provide correct information.
Requesting Data from Awarded Solicitation Events
SPPS data request policies and procedures comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.
You can find specific details in SPPS Policy 304.00 and the corresponding procedure 304.00.03, both of which are available on the Saint Paul Board Of Education’s website. Requests for data should follow these procedures and be in written form to ensure proper processing.
Invoices and Payment Terms
By law, the school district has 35 days after receipt of an invoice to present payment. It is the intent of the school district to pay all invoices as promptly as possible; however, by accepting an SPPS contract or purchase order, you have agreed to the 35 day payment policy.
All invoices must be submitted to the SPPS Accounts Payable Department.
Insurance Requirements
Successful Bidders Must Submit a Certificate of Insurance After Award
St. Paul Public Schools utilizes MyCOI for insurance review, collection and tracking. Each type of contract has different insurance requirements.
Click here for information on how to register as a vendor in MyCOI.
Bonding and Insurance Requirements for Contracted Services
All vendors submitting proposals for contracted service work must comply with the following American Institute of Architects (AIA) and SPPS requirements:
Offers that do not comply with these requirements will not be considered.
Bonding Requirements If Construction Is Involved
Submissions of a bid in excess of $175,000 require proof of bid security at the time of bid. Bid security, in the amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total maximum bid amount, payable without recourse to St. Paul Public Schools. Electronic submission of bid bonds or cashier's check are required with bids via GetAll. The original cashier's check must be delivered within 3 business days of the bid closing or postmarked on or before the bid opening date. A bid bond must be from a reliable surety company licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota.
Upon the award and execution of a contract, vendors must provide payment and performance bonds on any or all projects valued at $175,000 or above. ISD 625 - Saint Paul Public Schools reserves the right to require bonds at lower values for any project that they determine a lower threshold to be in the best interest of the District.