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  • SPPS has a district-wide agreement for all copiers through 6/30/21. This means that all copiers will remain at their current sites and can’t be changed until that time. If you need an additional copier or other help with your copier, check out the staff resources on the Technology Services or contact the help desk (651/603-HELP).

    All SPPS leased-copier needs, aside from paper, are handled by Ricoh, Inc. Toner, staples, other supplies and service will be provided by Ricoh. SPPS has dealt with many sales scams where callers identify themselves as the toner supply company for the district and will ask if you need to order toner. DO NOT ORDER FROM THESE CALLERS. Ricoh's contact information is on each machine; if you need supplies, call the that number for them.


  • The last two years of copier billing spreadsheets are available in the sections below. There are two spreadsheets per month.

    One spreadsheet will be for the monthly lease cost for each copier. These charges have no delay, so May’s charges will be for the month of May.  These charges will remain the same throughout the contract unless features are added to the machine.

    The second spreadsheet is for monthly copy charges for each copier. Two charges each month will be listed for some copiers, as black ink copies and color ink copies are listed separately. These charges are always a month behind, as readings are generally done around the 10th of the month.  So a reading done for April 11 – May 10 will show up as April charges.  These charges will be different each month depending on the number of copies you make. Under the current contract SPPS is billed for actual copies made each month, so there will be no overage charges at the end of the school year.