School Continuous Improvement Plan (SCIP)
School Continuous Improvement Plan (SCIP)
Friendly SCIP 23-24
View our 2023-24 strategic targets.
2022-23_Family_Friendly_SCIP.docx 25.21 KB (Last Modified on April 11, 2023)
Family Engagement 23-24
Discover how Parents/Guardians are able to partner with the school and become engaged with supporting student learning.
DTS_Family_Engagement_Plan_22-23_PDF.pdf 178.8 KB (Last Modified on April 11, 2023)
Parent Compact 23-24
The COMPACT is an agreement developed by the parent/guardians, teachers, & students that explains how all will work together to make sure all students get the support they need to reach and exceed grade level standards. The school is funded in part by Title 1, Part D of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
DTS_Parent_Compact_22-23_PDF.pdf 190.96 KB (Last Modified on April 11, 2023)