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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
360 Colborne Street
Saint Paul


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Office of Communications 

Saint Paul Public Schools communicates with a wide array of community members who make up the District: students, families, staff, business partners, residents and other stakeholders. The Office of Communications keeps information flowing to the people that make up, surround and support SPPS.

​View our FY24 annual report to learn more about what we do.

How We Communicate

District and Family Communications

We use Blackboard Connect to communicate important information with families and staff through automated phone calls, email and text messages. Please check with your school to make sure your contact information is up-to-date.

Emergency Notifications (school closings, etc.)

SPPS will inform families via:

  • Email
  • Automated phone calls
  • Social media (Facebook and Twitter)
  • School Websites
  • District website

Social Media

We communicate with our community through Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram. Follow us for the latest updates.


Our team produces several electronic newsletters. Families and community members can subscribe to Happening Now, a bi-monthly newsletter that highlights what is happening across SPPS.

Contact Us

Request Translations

Request multilingual translations for your project, document, flyer or other communication.

Request a Logo

Submit a request for an SPPS District or School logo with usage rights.

Media Requests

Use this form to connect with a Communications person about a media story.

Submit a Story for the Brag Board

Awesome stories, celebrations, awards and recognitions can be submitted here to be posted to the Brag Board and featured in SPPS Today.

Submit a Photo

Use this form to submit photos for Photo of the Day, social media, newsletters or other SPPS communications. Please ensure media permission prior to submission.

Submit a News Item for The Bridge

Submit stories, news items, calls to action and other important updates for staff to be published in The Bridge, SPPS' weekly staff newsletter.

Communications Support

Request video, photography, graphic design, planning etc. support from the team for your event, project or initiative. 

Ask the Communications Team

Use this form to send a general  question to the Communications Team.

Website Feedback

Let us know what you think about the new website. Praise? Fixes? Changes? Submit them here.

Flyer Distribution

SPPS is proud to offer digital flyer distribution through Peachjar. Peachjar organizes all important school and community information in one place! In addition to receiving emails from your school, look for the Peachjar button or icon on your school website to view current flyers.

Staff Directory

Erica Wacker

Titles: Dir of Comm/Marketing/Devrl

Alejandra Lindskoog

Titles: Translation Manager

Claire Noack

Titles: Marketing Comm Sr. Assoc

Kate Ryan

Titles: Marketing Comm Sr. Assoc

Ryan Stanzel

Titles: Communications Specialist

Joanne Vang

Titles: Translation Specialist -12 Mth

Kathleen Weyandt

Titles: Special Events Coord -12 Month

Kawlahay Zan

Titles: Karen Translations Specialist