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Justice for George Floyd

Resources for Staff
Events from the last year have been difficult to comprehend. Our lived experiences shape how we view and process these events, and can provide both opportunities and challenges as we navigate conversations with students, colleagues, family and friends.  These resources, provided by both SPPS and other organizations, provide some ideas and starting points for engaging with yourself and others around these topics.
Spring 2021 Messages
How Do You Prepare for the Unknown - BRACE Yourself | April 19th, 2021
In March we began a journey into the unknown. We entered the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer accused of the murder of George Floyd. Navigating this may have caused you to reflect on the breaking news, images, and videos that surfaced May 2020. Since May, there have been so many other unknowns that have transpired. We have witnessed protests, riots, the resurgence of horrific attacks on the AAPI community, mass shootings, and now the death of another young Black man, Daunte Wright. There has been hurt upon hurt, injury upon injury and continuous unknowns as we are currently amidst the Chauvin trial!
As difficult as all this may be to process, I encourage you to BRACE yourself... [READ MORE]
Spring 2020 Messages
Spring, 2020 brought the murder of George Floyd, more racially motivated police violence throughout our nation, uprisings here and around the world, all in the midst of the pain and uncertainty of a global pandemic. These archived messages, resources, and talking points were provided to support students and staff last spring, and are still relevant and necessary as we enter Spring, 2021.