LGBTQ+ History Month
LGBTQ History Month: Celebrating Our Ancestors, Imagining Our Futures - 2021
LGBTQ+ History Month is an opportunity to celebrate our ancestors' many identities and narratives as we imagine a liberated and joyful future. Join us to increase your own understanding of the lives, both real and imagined, of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, two spirit, and any of the hundreds more identities used by those who are beyond heterosexual and/ or cisgender. Facilitators will read stories written for children and participants will be invited to offer their own perspectives. Please share your feedback around which of these stories we can weave more deeply into our culturally responsive classroom materials in Saint Paul Public Schools.
Virtual | Thursday, October 28 | 6-7 pm
Flyer | Community Registration
Staff Register on PowerSchool
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