Intra-district Mail
Intra-District Mail & Courier Services
During the school year, intra-district mail is delivered and picked up daily by Nutrition Services at schools with food service and the 360 Colborne Administration building.
For sites without daily food service, the Facilities Department provides these services each Monday and Wednesday. During the summer, this service is provided on a limited basis and the schedule is below.
For mail that is time sensitive, too large for intra-district delivery, or in a box, you may use the pre-established courier services listed below for delivery.
Individual schools/departments are responsible for paying for courier services.
Same day delivery of letters and envelopes:
Benco Delivery Service
Kurian Benjamin
Parcels or boxes, next day service only:
SpeeDee Delivery Service
Craig Heurung
800-862-5578 ext. 222