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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
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Indoor Air Quality

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the District has implemented strategies to help mitigate the airborne spread of the Coronavirus.  See the link below for details.

Reducing airborne Coronavirus transmission through improved IAQ

Providing a healthy and comfortable learning environment for students and staff is important to Saint Paul Public Schools. Maintaining good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) across the district is a high priority.


Working with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and its IAQ Tools for Schools Program, the District developed an IAQ Management Plan that will help monitor and improve the quality of air in all SPPS buildings.

The objectives of this IAQ Management Plan are:

  • Reduce the levels of indoor air pollutants through preventive measures such as routine maintenance activities, periodic building evaluations and inspections, and IAQ-specific policies.
  • Provide and maintain adequate air exchanges by maintaining ventilation equipment.
  • Respond to IAQ-related concerns and problems in a thorough and prompt manner, through investigation, documentation, and effective communication.

Read the Indoor Air Quality Plan


All schools and administrative buildings within the district are routinely surveyed to identify IAQ-related issues. SPPS works with the Institute for Environmental Assessment (IEA) to conduct the surveys, which look at all occupied spaces including classrooms, offices, gymnasiums, pools, cafeterias, libraries, and auditoriums. The surveys are based on the guidance of the EPA's Tools for Schools, and were modified to include additional information pertinent to SPPS.

The district-wide surveys collect information regarding physical space characteristics, user-controlled elements like presence of space heaters, animals, and food, as well as information about water damage, mold, mildew, paint, pests, odors, chemicals, exhaust/HVAC equipment, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, temperature, and relative humidity. Sampling is conducted while spaces are occupied to ensure accurate measurements.

Issues that have been identified through the IAQ survey process and need to be addressed are prioritized based on the following criteria:

  • Impact on IAQ
  • Impact on comfort
  • Health and safety risk
  • Severity
  • Floor area impacted
  • Reports or concerns of health complaints
  • History of the issue 

View the 2023-2024 IAQ Assessment Results






Indoor Air Quality/Energy Coordinator

Angela Vreeland, PE

IAQ Form




IAQ Concern Form   

Fill out the IAQ Concern Form above if you have concerns about indoor air quality.  


IAQ Management Plan

IAQ Assessment Results 

IAQ at Home