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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
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Facilities Department Lawn Care FAQs

1. Who is responsible for lawn care at a school and when do they do it?

The grounds crew cut the large grass areas at each site on a 10 workday cycle between April 15 and November 1 weather permitting.  This may take up to two days to be completed at some sites.

The City of St Paul Parks & Recreation performs all grass cutting and trimming work at these joint-use sites:

  • Chelsea Heights
  • Cherokee Heights
  • Frost Lake
  • Groveland Park
  • Hamline
  • Highwood Hills
  • Homecroft
  • Obama Elementary
  • Wellstone

Dayton’s Bluff grass cutting and trimming is performed by:

  • School side - Grounds and Custodial staff
  • Recreation center side - The City of Saint Paul Parks & Recreation

2. Who is responsible for taking care of our courtyard? 

Building Engineers, as our grounds equipment is too large to maneuver in small spaces and get through the building.

3. Who is responsible for maintaining a  school garden? 

School garden upkeep, water and maintenance are the responsibility of the entity responsible for its installation.  See Community Gardens Standards and Procedures for more information. 

4. What are the rules on watering?

  • New trees (not part of construction) - Building Engineer
  • New trees, sod and newly seeded areas as part of a construction project - The Contractor (for 60 days from completion)
  • Irrigation systems - Facility Maintenance
  • School Gardens - School Staff/Parent Group (entity responsible for installation)

5. Who picks up the litter and trash at my site and how often is it done? 

Building Engineers are responsible for picking up trash and Grounds empties exterior trash barrels each week, or upon request.