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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
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Facilities Department Snow Removal FAQs

1. Who is responsible for clearing the snow at my building?

Snow removal efforts involve many people from different areas. For District owned sites it is a combination of SPPS Custodial Services, SPPS Grounds Crew, snow removal contractors, and City of St. Paul Parks and Recreation Department. 

2. How much snow has to accumulate before snow plowing happens?

Our staff will begin clearing at one inch of snowfall. Snow plowing, however, will begin when snow accumulation is greater than three (3) inches in depth or if blowing conditions have accumulated snow in drifts which makes normal use of the facility difficult. Snowfall accumulation amount is determined by the National Weather Service located in Chanhassen, MN.

3. What about snow removal on weekends?

Snow must be cleared from City sidewalks within 24 hours of the end of the snowfall. Building stairs, sidewalks, and loading docks/delivery areas will be cleared on the next normal business day, before school starts.

4. When can we expect to have shoveling/plowing/ice control done?

Our goal is prior to 5:30 a.m. on days that buildings are open for normal business. If difficult weather conditions do not allow our staff to have all areas completed by 5:30 a.m., please park only in areas that have been plowed. It will make the snow removal process faster and SPPS sites easier to maintain. Salt and/or sand is used on an as needed basis.

5. Who do I contact if there are problems/concerns at a District site?

Your building’s custodial Head Engineer is the first point of contact for any concern raised. There is also a communication tool available to view that is updated by Facilities staff when snow or icy conditions occur.