Rules and Regulations
Rules and Regulations For Use of Public School Facilities
Revised 12/1/13
A. Saint Paul Public Schools’ facilities may be used for purposes allowed under Minnesota Statute 123B.51, Subd. 2, and all other applicable laws. Saint Paul Public Schools’ facility use will be administered in accordance with the following Saint Paul Public Schools Board of Education Policies:
B. Failure to follow the regulations governing use of school facilities, including the use of equipment or building areas, or failure to provide the proper level of supervision specified on the permit, may result in immediate cancellation of permit and no issuance of future permits.
C. Users of school facilities must not discriminate against any participant based on race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, or handicap.
D. A person, persons, or organization(s) receiving permitted use of Saint Paul Public Schools’ facilities, will hold Saint Paul Public Schools harmless from any claims as a result of its use. In addition, permitted users waive their insurance companies’ right of subrogation.
E. A person, persons, or organization(s) using any of Saint Paul Public Schools’ facilities may be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Saint Paul Public Schools as an additional insured under the policy. The Certificate of Insurance will cover a minimum liability limit of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence and at least $2,000,000 aggregate, with an admitted A-rated carrier (AM Best).
F. The District reserves first claim to use of its own facilities. Cancellation of any permit may be ordered by District authorities with due notice of two weeks for school activities and 72 hours for Board of Education use. Permission to use school facilities is granted with this understanding.
G. The permit holder must have the permit in possession when using the facility. Permits are not transferable, nor may space be sublet to any other person, person(s), or organization(s).
H. No group will be admitted access to a facility until an adult supervisor is present. Additionally, the adult supervisor must remain until all participants of the group have left the facility. Competent adult supervision at the level stated on the permit must be maintained at all times. Each permit holder is responsible for its own group and must maintain surveillance upon entry so that non-participants do not enter.
I. Space: Only the rooms and corridors of a building as specified on the building permit shall be used, including the nearest drinking fountain and toilet facilities. Building Doors are not to be propped open at any time under any circumstances. No “blanket” building permits of generalized areas will be issued. Storage of any kind is not permitted by external permit holders on District property.
J. Equipment: Applicant must obtain prior consent from the building administrator for use of any school equipment including industrial arts equipment, business machines, typewriters, home economics equipment, gym equipment, etc. Applicant assumes full responsibility for providing qualified instructors knowledgeable in the proper and safe use of any equipment provided. Damaged equipment will be repaired or replaced at the expense of the permit holder. Permit users are responsible for setting up and returning equipment to the same location and arrangement it was in prior to usage. This must be completed within the times designated on the permit.
K. Use of school supplies must be reimbursed and requires building administrator’s prior approval.
L. Media: Additional fees are assessed for special stage set-up, stage lighting, or use of equipment such as public address systems, projectors, and the necessary personnel. Arrangements must be made with the building administrator at the time of application. Equipment such as auditorium lights, sound systems, etc. may only be operated by trained individuals provided by the district and the applicant charged accordingly. Stage equipment or scenery is not to be moved unless the change is approved by the building administrator and supervised by a school employee.
M. Kitchens: Use of Nutrition Services production kitchens requires a permit plus approval of the Nutrition Services Director. Cafeteria staff must be employed by permit holder.
N. Swimming Pools and Gymnasiums: All rules will be strictly enforced. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to obtain rules from the building administrator. Saint Paul Public Schools’ facilities are not to be used as storage by non-District groups.
O. The use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, or any controlled substances anywhere on Saint Paul Public Schools’ premises is strictly prohibited. This includes on grounds as well as the buildings. Infractions will result in immediate cancellation of the permit and no future permits will be issued.
P. Compliance with fire department rules and fire code will be strictly enforced.
Q. Motorized vehicles are forbidden on all surfaces other than designated parking lots and driveways (handicapped motorized equipment excepted).
R. Building keys are never given to community groups. Custodial services will open the buildings and will lock up after the groups depart. No group is to pay the custodian personally as custodial charges are part of the building permit fees. Occupancy beyond the hours stated on the permit will entail additional charges. Additional charges will be assessed if groups using facilities or grounds fail to leave the premises reasonably clean. The custodial staff is responsible for calling proper authorities if a problem develops.
S. Permit holder will be billed for any loss and/or damages caused to Saint Paul Public Schools facilities by user.
T. Rental charges will be made in accordance with the schedule on file in the Permits Office.