Jie Ming Mandarin Academy - Construction Project Completed Fall 2024
Jie Ming Mandarin Immersion Academy
SPPS is excited to launch its project to provide Jie Ming Mandarin Immersion Academy with an addition and other significant building improvements. Details on the project scope and timeline are provided below and monthly progress updates can be found in the right-hand sidebar.
New Playground
Jie Ming is getting a new new playground with construction scheduled to occur from July 29 to August 30, 2024; dates subject to change based on weather. This means the current playground will be closed during this time. To find other parks during construction, please visit the City of Saint Paul’s park finder.
The playground is an outcome of the City of St. Paul and Saint Paul Public Schools’ renewed long-term commitment to collaboratively manage this site and will be a great asset for the school and neighborhood alike.
New Playground
New playground is open (September 2024)
New playground is open (September 2024)
New playground is open (September 2024)
New playground being installed (August 2024)
Playground area being cleared for new equipment (August 2024)
Original playgorund (March 2024)
Rendering of new playground
Completion of new playground with fencing (December 2024)
Construction and Remodeling Images
UPDATED traffic flow for student drop-off/pick-up for 2023-24
Related documents:
See the updated traffic flow for student drop-off/pick-up for 2023-24 effective October 9, 2023. To enhance student safety, and in anticipation of obstacles that come with winter (ice, snowbanks), we are permanently changing the bus and parent drop-off/pick-up traffic flow.
As shown below, buses will now use the traffic loop in front of the school.
Families are asked to drop-off/pick-up students by lining up along Sue St. and Wordsworth Ave., as shown in blue. Families stopping or parking anywhere other than the designated Sue-Wordsworth path are to accompany students by foot to/from the crossing guard crosswalk. Ample bike parking will continue to be provided; staff, families, students and visitors are encouraged to walk, bike, and carpool as much as is practical.
Click image for larger view:
Project type:
Addition and remodel
Project budget:
Project scope
- Kitchen and cafeteria addition
- New classrooms (5)
- New inclusive restrooms
- New gym floor
- New HVAC in existing west wing
- One new boiler in the original school building
- Improved traffic flow for cars, buses, and deliveries
- New playground
Project timeline:
Summer 2022 to fall 2023 (subject to change)
- Summer 2022: Existing cafeteria is demoed; earthwork (excavation) and foundations begin
- Fall/winter 2022: Structure of new addition takes shape; Concrete Masonry Units walls and steel structure
- Winter/spring 2023: Roof, windows, and exterior finishes (brick) added to new addition
- Summer 2023: Final touches on building addition; full HVAC replacement in existing west wing; install new boiler; complete site work; including redesign of front lot
- Fall 2023 - school begins: Project complete
Last update: April 6, 2023
1. Are any variances being sought?
No variances are being sought at this time. No work will take place on private property.
2. Will green space be preserved?
SPPS values green space and keeps it a top priority when we go through a project’s design process as we balance the needs of the school community. Per City of Saint Paul code, any trees taken down for the project will be replaced at a minimum of a 1:1 ratio.
3. How many trucks are expected to use the service access lane that will be built off of Field Ave?
We expect up to five or six vehicles per day to use the service access lane when school is in session. Vehicles will include delivery trucks, SPPS maintenance vehicles, and garbage and recycling services.
4. Where will the student drop off/pick up location be?
The student drop off/pick up will continue to be accessed off of Sheridan Avenue. We are working with a traffic consultant and the City of Saint Paul to optimize the management of traffic flow while improving safety.
5. How will this project reduce stormwater runoff?
As part of the project, and in keeping with watershed district regulations, a stormwater management system is being installed underground, including large storage pipes that capture rain water before slowly releasing it back into the ground and aquifers. This, along with re-grading the area, will result in reducing stormwater runoff into neighboring properties by approximately 85%. During construction, measures have been put in place to prevent the erosion of exposed soil through sediment control logs placed at the base of the mounds and silt fencing at the edge of the property. The mounds of soil will be reused to fill in openings around the addition’s foundation walls.
6. Will the sidewalk bordering the west side of the lot be removed?
Yes, as part of the remodel, the sidewalk bordering the west side of the lot will be removed. While the sidewalk originally provided a walkway to the pedestrian bridge located off the northwest corner of the lot, since the bridge is closed and no longer in use, the sidewalk serves no practical purpose. The pedestrian bridge is not owned by Saint Paul Public Schools and, to the best of our knowledge, there are no plans in place to maintain or reopen the bridge in the future.
Community Meeting
Please see the presentation from the community meeting on Tuesday, April 26, 2022.
The image below highlights some main features of the addition and remodel:
- Areas in white show where the new addition will be. Remodeling features include: new kitchen and cafeteria addition; new classrooms; new inclusive restrooms; new gym floor; new HVAC in existing west wing; new boiler in the original school building; improved traffic flow for cars, buses, and deliveries.
- A new service/fire lane off of Field Ave. (shown here as a gray “T”) will be used by service vehicles only for pickup and deliveries to the school. No school buses or parent vehicles will use this route or the entrances on this side of the building.
- Student drop off/pick up will be from Sheridan Ave.
January 2025 (see archive of past updates of all capital projects)
Rosemary Dolata
Project Manager