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Planning Committee

Facilities Master Plan Committees

As part of its Strong Schools, Strong Communities 2.0 strategic plan, Saint Paul Public Schools conducted an extensive planning process to develop a 10-year Facilities Master Plan (FMP) to ensure school buildings are able to meet the 21st century learning needs of students. The district consists of 72 facilities, 7.3 million square feet of space, and 465 acres of land—a key component of proactively managing these assets is through the development of a FMP.

From May 2014 to December 2015, the district engaged stakeholders (see committees below) to develop the FMP. Through a series of workshops, the FMP Committee produced a vision statement (see below) and guiding documents to help the district to prioritize building and property improvements over the next decade. The side-bar at right provides a summary of the outcomes produced at each of the FMP Committee workshops along with the presentation materials for each workshop.   FMP VISION STATEMENT

We envision versatile, equitable, healthy environments that balance the factors creating authentic, engaging, and personalized learning experiences to sustain our academic mission and deepen connections to our communities and world.


The Steering Committee leads the facilities planning process through all four phases. Composed of key district personnel, the Steering Committee provides direction for the Facilities Master Plan Committee throughout the planning process. The committee also keeps stakeholders informed of the planning progress through all four planning phases. Members are:

Theresa Battle, Assistant Superintendent - High Schools, SPPS
Ashley Hightower, Facilities Department, SPPS
Joe Munnich, Assistant Director, Research Evaluation and Assessment, SPPS
Hans Ott, Director of Office of Teaching and Learning, SPPS
Tom Parent, Interim Facilities Director, SPPS
Jon Peterson, Principal on Special Assignment, Alternative Education, SPPS
Jean Ronnei, Chief Operations Officer, SPPS
Lee Vang Personalized Learning Specialist, SPPS
Ryan Vernosh, Assistant Director of Policy, SPPS
Jayne Williams, Director, Student Placement, SPPS


The Facilities Master Plan Committee contributes multiple perspectives to the planning process to ensure a comprehensive master plan will be developed. FMP Committee members were selected from a wide cross section of district leaders along with principals, teachers, students, community members and key partners. Please note that the list below may grow.

Asterid, student, Linwood Monroe Arts Plus
Abdi, student, Como Sr.
Asterid, student, Linwood Monroe Arts Plus
Craig, student, Linwood Monroe Arts Plus
Geleto, student, Como Sr.
Hordofa, student, Como Sr.
Kevin, student, Gordon Parks
Marcos, student, Linwood Monroe Arts Plus
Shanya, student, Linwood Monroe Arts Plus
Craig Anderson, Principal, Hamline (PK-5), SPPS
Maria Alicia Arabbo, Multilingual Learning, SPPS
Bryan Bass, Principal, Linwood Monroe (K-8), SPPS
*Theresa Battle, Assistant Superintendent - High Schools, SPPS
Michelle Bierman, Racial Equity, SPPS
Liz Boyer, Saint Paul District Council - District 14
Frank Braswell, Saint Paul College
Scott Brownell, Security and Emergency Management, SPPS
Tom Burr, Transportation, SPPS
Jose Cervantes, Facilities, SPPS
Robert Clarksen, Saint Paul District Council - District 8
Donna Drummond, City of St. Paul - Planning & Zoning
Julia Earl, Parent - Green and Healthy Advisory Council, SPPS
Eric Fotsch, Metropolitan State University - School of Urban Education
Lynn Gallandat, Community Education, SPPS
Traci Gauer, Principal, Gordon Parks (9-12), SPPS
Elaine Gillespie-Blevins, Parent - Parents of African American Students Advisory Council, SPPS
Todd Graham, Metropolitan Council
Dave Gundale, Principal, Open World Learning (6-12), SPPS
Jim Hemmen, Director of Nutrition Services, SPPS
*Ashley Hightower, Facilities, SPPS
Rich Hiltunen, Facilities, SPPS
Renee Jensen, Principal, Capitol Hill (1-8), SPPS
Jerry Keenan, Athletics, SPPS
Kristin Keller, Community Education, SPPS
Nathan Keller-Long, Saint Paul District Council - District 13
Stacey Koppen, Interim Director of Nutrition Services, SPPS
Renee Lane, Saint Paul District Council - District 8
Todd Larson, Facilities, SPPS
Sonja Mason, Parent - PreKindergarten/Early Childhood Family Education, SPPS
Tom McCarthy, Building Trades Council, SPPS
Tom Meyer, Transportation, SPPS
Suyapa Miranda, Saint Paul District Council - District 12
Mohamed Mohamud, Somali American Parent Association
Betty Moran, Saint Paul District Council - District 9
*Joe Munnich, Assistant Director of Research Evaluation and Assessment, SPPS
Laura Nichols, Saint Paul District Council - District 15
Laura Olson, Security and Emergency Management, SPPS
*Hans Ott, Director of Office of Teaching and Learning, SPPS
*Tom Parent, Director of Facilities Deparatment , SPPS
Becky Pedersen, Principal, Groveland (PK-5), SPPS
*Jon Peterson, Director of Alternative Education, SPPS
*Alissa Pier, Manager of Facilities Planning, Facilities Department, SPPS
Debra Pursley, Saint Paul District Council - District 10
*Jean Ronnei, Chief Operations Officer, SPPS
Jenna Ruble, Office of Early Learning Pre-  Kindergarten Program, SPPS
Tom Russell, Saint Paul Parks & Recreation
Angelia Smith, Parent - Special Education Advisory Council
Jan Spencer de Gutiérrez, Visual and Performing Arts K-12, SPPS
Libby Starling, Metropolitan Council 
Lisa Theis, Saint Paul District Council - District 2
Bruce Thompson, Ramsey County
*Lee Vang, Personalized Learning Specialist, SPPS
*Ryan Vernosh, Assistant Director of Policy, SPPS
Barbara, Wencl, Saint Paul Planning Commission
Kasya Willhite, Multilingual Learning, SPPS
*Jayne Williams, Director of Student Placement, SPPS
Charles Woodson, Parent
Ebony Young, Saint Paul District Council - District 1
Alicia Zetah, Teacher, American Indian Magnet, SPPS
Carol Zierman, Ramsey County

*Also member of the FMP Steering Committee 

FMP Guiding Documents

See the Facility Vision, Principles and 47 Standards developed by the FMP Committee that provide the underpinning to the criteria SPPS will use to prioritize facility improvement decisions.   Related Board of Education FMP resolutions:

Long Term Facilities Maintenance and Improvement Investments (commitment to funding facility projects)

Five-Year Facilities Maintenance and Capital Implementation Plan approval process (FMP Governance Model)

Personalized Learning Space


Video: Impacting student learning through better facilities

Video: mpacting student learning through better facilities



WORKSHOP 1 - Visioning:

Presentation - Workshop 1 (pdf)

Meeting notes - Workshop 1 (pdf)


Ken Robinson


VIDEO - Food for thought: "Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?"

WORKSHOP 2 - Where we are:

Presentation - Workshop 2 (pdf ); 1 slide per page; 4 slides per page

Meeting notes - Workshop 2 (pdf)

SPPS Facilities Slideshow (pdf)


High Tech


VIDEO - Project-Based Learning at High-Tech High




SPPS Students discuss: "My favorite places to learn."

WORKSHOP 3: Facilty Principles

Presentation - Workshop 3 (pdf ); 1 slide per page; 4 slides per page (pdf)

Meeting notes (pdf)




VIDEO - John A. Johnson, St. Paul, MN - Great Schools By Design

WORKSHOP 4: Facilty Standards

Presentation - Workshop 4 (pdf ); 1 slide per page4 slides per page (pdf)

Facilities Principles (developed by the FMP Committee) (pdf)

WORKSHOP 5: Priorities

Presentation - Workshop 5 (pdf ); 1 slide per page; 4 slides per page (pdf)

WORKSHOP 6: District Parameters

Presentation - Workshop 6 (pdf ); 1 slide per page4 slides per page (pdf)

Facilities Master Plan - Guiding Principles (pdf)