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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
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Five-Year Facilities Maintenance and Capital Implementation Plan

Below are some frequently asked questions regarding the district's Five-Year Facilities Maintenance and Capital Implementation Plan, which is updated on an annual basis to reflect shifting and emerging factors; see the related Board of Education resolution and the Facilities Maintenance and Capital Implementation Plan for FY2024-28; specific school and facility work scopes (subject to change) are also available.
1. What is the Facilities Master Plan (FMP)?

The Facilities Master Plan (FMP) provides guidance to Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS) on how to make and prioritize improvements to its 73 buildings and 500+ acres of land. The FMP guides SPPS in making good financial decisions on improvement projects that are equitable among building and school sites across the district, while also ensuring the facilities meet the evolving learning needs of students.

The FMP was developed with input from more than one thousand people, including students, families, staff and community partners, from May 2014 to December 2015. This input helped develop the FMP’s guiding documents: Vision, Principles, and Standards. Each school then created a team of people to identify the top priorities for improvement at their building.

2. How do buildings support student learning?

School buildings must not only be warm, safe and dry, but they must also support a variety of teaching and learning styles. Sixty percent of SPPS schools are more than 60 years old. It’s important that they keep pace with the evolving needs of teaching and learning. Watch these short videos to better understand how facilities can support student learning .
How the FMP supports student learning


Impacting student learning through better facilities

3. Why is my school not listed on the five-year renovation schedule? Is there a chance it might get on the list?

Although a few buildings are not scheduled to be remodeled in the next five years, these schools will still receive essential improvements, such as security updates and the installation of audio/visual equipment.

Please note that the list of projects over the next five years will be reviewed annually by the Facilities Master Plan Committee (FMP-C) to address issues that may impact building design plans.

4. When will my school’s facility project be done?

The proposed schedule for each school’s facility improvement project is listed here.

5. How can I get involved in my school’s building improvement project?

Each school will have a School Design Committee led by Facilities Department staff overseeing the remodeling work. Contact your school principal to get involved.



Five-Year Facilities Maintenance and Capital Implementation Plan

Click to see the latest Five Year Plan

Five Year Facility Plan FY25-29

FMP Guiding Documents

See the Facility Vision, Principles and 47 Standards developed by the FMP Committee that provide the underpinning to the criteria SPPS will use to prioritize facility improvement decisions.

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