Barack and Michelle Obama School
Barack and Michelle Obama School: Construction Project
Construction Photos
Design Renderings
Project type: Renovations and remodeling
Project timeline: Summer 2023 to fall 2025 (subject to change)
Budget: $72,300,000
Scope of Work
Renovation of general learning space, gym, auditorium, cafeteria, media center, art room, administration office
New identifiable and secure entry, parent room, kitchen addition, inclusive restrooms
New electrical and mechanical systems
Obama Site Map
The first image below shows how the Obama site is composed of two buildings joined by passageways and a centralized main area that will house shared spaces. The east side of the complex will house the PreK-5 elementary Montessori program; the west side will house the middle school (grades 6-8).
As shown with red arrows, the parent drop off/pick up will remain on the north side of the building and the bus drop off/pick up will remain on Holly Ave.
The second image below shows how the majority of the site will have dedicated spaces for each program while some spaces will be shared such as the media center, cafeteria, administrative offices, and student support services. The site has two gyms on the west side, one of which will be dedicated to each program.
January 2025 (see archive of past updates of all capital projects)
Michelle Bergman Aho
Project Manager
C: 612-400-4537