Highland Park Middle School
Highland Park Middle School: Construction Project
Highland Park Middle School will receive an addition and other significant building improvements. Details on the project scope and timeline are provided below and monthly progress updates can be found in the right-hand sidebar.
Construction Photos
New sidewalks next to tennis courts (July 2024)
Bathroom renovations (July 2024)
Footings for new entry and admin addition (July 2024)
Below grade excavation (June 2024)
Below grade excavation (June 2024)
Removal of trees and portions of the parking lot (June 2024)
New projector and whiteboard (August 2024)
Structural steel (August 2024)
Exterior wall sheathing (September 2024)
New roof structure (September 2024)
Concrete slab floor beneath roofing overhang (September 2024)
Underground stormwater management system installed (September 2024)
New exterior brick work (October 2024)
Ceiling mechanical work in hallway (October 2024)
New curbs and asphalt (October 2024)
Asphalt installation in parking lot (October 2024)
Concrete being poured (October 2024)
Ceiling grid (November 2024)
Ceramic tile in staff restrooms (November 2024)
Exterior metal panels (November 2024)
Interior casework (November 2024)
Wall tile in new breakroom (December 2024)
New light fixtures in west hallway (December 2024)
New flooring in administrative addition (December 2024)
Phenolic panels in new front entry (December 2024)
Phenolic panels for the exterior (December 2024)
New admin addition (January 2025)
New front entry (January 2025)
Former admin addition being demolished (January 2025)
Design Renderings
Project type:
Addition and renovation
Project budget:
Project scope:
- New identifiable front entrance and main office suite
- Two-story link addition
- Fully remodeled kitchen and cafeteria
- Renovated special education suite
- Updated classroom technology
- Gym floor replacement
- Inclusive restrooms
- Various renovations of existing spaces
- Replacement of sidewalks, ramps and landings
- Updates to parking lot including new parent drop off lane
- Stormwater management and landscaping
Project timeline: Spring 2024 to Fall 2025 (subject to change)
Spring 2024: Break ground on the new front entry/administrative addition on the west side of the building.
Summer 2024: Begin replacing classroom technology in three-story tower; replace floor finishes and lighting in three-story tower.
Winter 2024: New Front entry/administrative addition is complete, move into new space during Winter Break 2024. Once the new administrative suite is occupied, begin remodel of old administrative suite to convert to new classrooms/breakout rooms.
Spring 2025: Complete old administrative renovation; start renovation of kitchen/cafeteria space as well as new two-story link between middle school and high school.
Summer 2025: Begin interior renovation of special education suite; complete classroom technology upgrades in remainder of building; replace gym floor; finish replacing flooring and lighting upgrades.
Fall 2025: Complete kitchen/cafeteria renovation and new two-story link; complete all earthwork/landscaping; wrap project.
Renovation update - February 2025; (Completed: HVAC update - October 2024 (see archive of past updates of all capital projects)
Mike Christen
Project Manager
Cell: 612-280-2533
Download the project summary