EXPO Elementary
EXPO/Harriet Bishop - Facilities Information
540 Warwick St. | EXPO website
Custodial Contact Information:
Phone : (651) -744-7235
Email: expoelementary.custodial
Grounds Management Responsible Parties:
Building Entries, Steps, Sidewalks: Custodial
Bus Loading/Unloading: Grounds
City Sidewalk: Grounds
Parking Lot: Grounds
Loading Dock/Service Area: Grounds
Large Grass Areas: Grounds
Trimming/Walk Behind Mower: Custodial
Litter and Trash Pickup: Custodial
Outdoor Trash Barrels in Fields and Play Area: Grounds
School Garden Upkeep: School/Parent Group
Hard surface/Play Areas: N/A
Health & Safety Information:
Fire Marshall Inspection Report
Waste & Sustainability Information:
B3 Benchmarking (energy & water usage)
- In the upper right corner, select the “Energy Mode” tab to view energy data, and the “Water Mode” tab to view water data
Green Halo Waste Tracking (waste & recycling data)
- Select the "Statistics" or "Materials" tabs for information about your site
This location has a garden: Peace garden