Jie Ming Mandarin Immersion
Jie Ming Mandarin Immersion (formerly Homecroft/RiverEas) - Facilities Information
1845 Sheridan Ave W | Jie Ming Mandarin Immersion Academy website
Maintenance and Custodial
Custodial Contact Information:
Phone: 651-744-4871
Email: jieming.custodial@spps.org
Grounds Management Responsible Parties:
Building Entries, Steps, Sidewalks: Custodial
Bus Loading/Unloading: Parks and Rec
City Sidewalk: Parks and Rec
Parking Lot: Parks and Rec
Loading Dock/Service Area: Custodial/Parks and Rec
Large Grass Areas: Parks and Rec
Trimming/Walk Behind Mower: Custodial
Litter and Trash Pickup: Parks and Rec
Outdoor Trash Barrels in Fields and Play Area: Parks and Rec
School Garden Upkeep: School/Parent Group
Hard surface/Play Areas:N/A
Health & Safety Information:
Fire Marshal Inspection Report
Waste & Sustainability Information:
B3 Benchmarking (energy & water usage)
- In the upper right corner, select the “Energy Mode” tab to view energy data, and the “Water Mode” tab to view water data
Green Halo Waste Tracking (waste & recycling data)
- Select the "Statistics" or "Materials" tabs for information about your site
Homecroft School underwent remodeling to prepare for the relocation of Jie Ming Mandarin Immersion Academy in fall 2018. The building's main entry was remodeled to both reflect Jie Ming's cultural focus and to ensure current security best practices.
RiverEast School was relocated over the summer of 2018 from the Homecroft building to a new building at 1055 Mackubin Street; the new RiverEast school opened in September for the 2018-19 school year; see more information on the RiverEast relocation - project website.Background on the Facilities Master Plan.