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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
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Single Stream Recycling

Single stream recycling, also known as mixed recycling, means that all recyclable materials such as paper, plastic bottles, and aluminum cans can go into one container for collection. SPPS switched to single stream recycling in the Fall of 2014 in which new containers were introduced district wide. The new containers are different from your typical, low-lying recycling bin. The container is taller so that it cannot be pushed under desks or tables to ensure that recycling is always a visible option within the classroom. Consistent and visual signage has been placed on all trash and recycling containers to help students and staff understand where they must put their materials. Lastly, the recycling containers are visibly larger than the trash containers to physically signify that 80% of materials may be recycled in a classroom setting versus the mere 20% that is actually trash.