Health & Wellness
SPPS Health and Wellness provides health services to students to enhance educational achievement by removing health-related barriers to learning to the best of our ability. Our staff consist of Licensed School Nurses and Health Assistants.
The primary goal of the program is to assist students to be self-sufficient in managing their health care within age appropriate and developmental expectations, thereby preparing all students for life.
To accomplish this as part of the school team, Health and Wellness staff strive to:
- Promote student and staff well-being.
- Provide skilled nursing and health condition management.
- Encourage self-care and self-advocacy.
- Assist with identifying and obtaining health resources
Please contact your building Licensed School Nurse (LSN) regarding any health concerns that impact learning, require medication at school, or have the potential to result in an emergency.
Health & Wellness Information
- Illness/Absence
- Commonly Used Forms
- Healthcare Management at School
- Immunizations Needed for School
- Medication and Medical Procedures Needed at School
- Sports Physicals
- Vision/Hearing Screening
- Resource Information for Families
Commonly Used Forms
Healthcare Management at School
Immunizations Needed for School
Medication and Medical Procedures Needed at School
Sports Physicals
Vision/Hearing Screening
Resource Information for Families
Contact Health & Wellness
Rebecca Schmidt, Director
Ariane Evans, Management Assistant