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Head Lice Resources

Head lice are tiny insects that make their home in human hair. Anyone can get head lice and it is fairly common in school-age children. They are not a sign of poor hygiene. Lice are a nuisance, and it is aggravating for anyone to go through the process of treating and getting rid of them.

Most commonly, head lice are spread by direct head-to-head contact with someone who has head lice. Lice only crawl, they do not jump or fly. They may also be spread by sharing personal items such as combs, brushes, other hair-care items, towels, pillows, hats, and other head coverings. Dogs, cats, and other pets do not spread head lice.

School is seldom the place where transmission of lice occurs. It is common in school-age children because they play with their school friends outside of school, go on sleepovers, attend parties together, play sports together, and go to each other's homes. Those close contact experiences increase the risk for transmitting lice to each other. Close head to head contact is needed for transmission. Because lice is common in childhood, families are encouraged to check their students regularly throughout the year. Please notify your school Health Office if your child has lice. Click here to learn more about how to check for head lice.

SPPS follows recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control, Minnesota Department of Health, American Academy of Pediatrics, and the National Association of School Nurses regarding head lice school practices and keeping students in school. Our goal is to minimize missed learning time due to head lice.

Our school practice includes the following:

  • Your child will not be required to leave school due to head lice

  • You will be notified confidentially if your child has head lice. If health staff are unable to reach you by phone, a letter will go home with your child at the end of the school day

  • Your child’s health information will be kept private

  • Treatment should begin at home, as soon as possible once you are aware that your child has head lice. Learn how to treat head lice here

  • Check everyone in the home if one person in the home has head lice. Your school nurse can help by checking siblings at school upon request

  • Encourage your child to avoid wearing hats, jackets, hoodies, or head coverings of other students

  • Mass screenings at school are not done

  • If your child needs additional support at school, contact your School Nurse, School Counselor, or School Social Worker

Informational Resources

Lice Removal Resources