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Walk and Bike Education in Schools

In-school walk and bike education helps students build skills to travel safely and independently, whether they are heading to school or getting around their neighborhoods. Learn more about how SPPS supports walk and bike education in our schools.

A fleet of children's bikes on rainbow colored pavement
Elementary school students riding bikes in a gym
Students wearing safety vests and riding bikes in a street. Students are stopped and listening to their instructor.

SPPS Mobile Bike Fleets

Required K-8 Walk and Bike Education

The State of Minnesota requires that school districts provide walk and bike safety education within the first three weeks of school. All students in grades K-8 must receive pedestrian safety education, and all students in grades 4-8 must receive bicycle safety education. In September, all SPPS families with students in elementary and middle school receive bike safety and walk safety information via Peachjar (SPPS’s digital flyer distribution system).

Resources for teachers and schools

Schools must meet the following requirements:

  • Students in grades K-3 must receive pedestrian safety education including crossing roads. 
  • Students in grades 4-8 must receive pedestrian safety education including crossing roads using the searching left-right-left for vehicles in traffic technique; as well as bicycle safety, including relevant traffic laws, use and proper fit of protective headgear, bicycle parts and safety features, and safe biking techniques.

The Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota has developed short videos and lesson plans for teachers to use to help meet this requirement. Videos are also embedded below - these are a great resource for teachers and families to use with students.

Why are walk and bike safety education important?

Whether they are heading to school or getting around their neighborhoods, walking and biking are great ways for kids to be active and travel independently. Bicycle and pedestrian education helps students develop the skills they need to do so safely. This education also complements SPPS’s existing Safe Routes to School programming that happens throughout the school year, including in-school bike education with the SPPS bike fleet, training teachers in the Walk! Bike! Fun! curriculum,  and Walk, Bike and Roll to School Day celebrations. 

More walk and bike resources for families